Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Episode 8

Aggregator gang
May 15, 2020
I think some of you are forgetting that he wasn’t only thinking or dreaming about killing women and a baby. He literally tried to murder the mother and baby.

I have no sympathy for this incel fuck ✌️
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2019
Only 8 chapters in and I'm bored, dropping this. All the villains are cartoonishly evil and the MC has no opposition at all. It would more interesting if someone tracked MC down, maybe from his own police department, because so far this is just an exercise in hypocrisy and a wank-off material for people that are into snuff. The premise at the beginning was "criminals that you cannot pursue", how exactly are the police unable to pursue someone who kicked a babystroller and shit? MC watched it all and he could have testified. How can this very basic premise already be discarded 8 chapters in? Dropped.

Edit: to make my point clearer, compare the first 2 chapters with the last 4 ones we got.
A woman gets raped, she gets scared off by a lawyer, police can't do shit, MC intervenes. Feels good.
With the last 2 "villains" there wasn't even an attempt to show anything of the sort.
The journalist guy apparently wasn't investigated despite his own daughter killing herself and him reporting on it. Is this a joke? How incompetent are the police in japan? How much am I supposed to suspend my belief here?
Now this guy attempts to murder people in bright daylight, surrounded by people and even being seen by the MC himself. All that is really missing is him going to his police department and saying "this guy attempted to kill a woman and her baby, I saw it all" Investigation starts. It fails? Good -> Kill him. This step just gets skipped for no reason and betrays the premise of the manga.
Active member
May 13, 2020
Fiendishly efficient MC, like classroom of evil, yet pitted against strangely idealistic "villains"
Unlike the MC, who is not a dexter clone, the so-called "evil" people are strangely one dimensional. They embody a particular trait of society that most would overlook, in this case mysogeny, and cranks the dial to 11.
As bruce lee once said: "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times"
I'd rather the MC face 1 interesting and memorable villain than 10,000 cannon fodder villains

For comparison "VIgilante" has the same premise but with a much more gripping, and often overly realistic sensation

P.S. the cannon fodder villains break far to easily, for the sake of a neat tie-in finish I guess, almost cathardic... After all no one wants to see a drawn out torture scene... *cue 007 getting whipped in the balls in casino royale
Dex-chan lover
Jul 16, 2019
I don't think this is supposed to be deep guys, more like a once-in-a-while cathartic read. You see a villain one chapter, next chapter he's dead. Simple and clean.

Anyway see everyone next year.
May 26, 2018
@abconline yeah, after the first chapters I was finding it too disturbing and stopped but I just got super angry cause of something and thought that seeing the crimanals deaths could help and specially with the cute end of this chapter I'm even smiling.
Feb 21, 2020
Damn. People like to complain about everything nowadays eh? Glad that I can enjoy watching/reading anything without any care in the world. Be it a good or trash series, I thoroughly enjoy them. Some of you lot need to cry less and try to be grateful.
Feb 21, 2020
Anyhow, can anyone tell me what kind of shoes are this salaryman/Chief Dan wear? Would like to wear them to work.
Oct 24, 2020
ngl this reminds me of that one manga that i dropped a while ago it was about these 2 guys that get paid to find bad people and torture them
Sep 2, 2019
I knew as I read the latest two chapters, many people will be dropping this. Those who sympathize with the 'man', that is.

In Japan or parts of Asia, when women are being treated disrespectfully (to put it mildly) on public vicinity, as long as it doesn't make any loud sound people will turn a blind eye on it. This comic is cathartic for that.

At least if you wish to be 'understood' for empathizing with that 'man', try also empathizing and accepting that fact above is rampant worldwide (and worse) while sitting comfortably behind your desk, browsing mangas.

But maybe that is too much for your lot :)

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