@SmilesAgain Probably like a foil to Ishi-chan. While Eita is high-strung, headstrong, and apeshit our boy Ishi is calm, collected, and motivated in a different sense. Also, he's not as horny as Eita lol.
I'm thinking the author wants us to feel a sense of hatred and admiration for Eita but all we can see is a creep who is obsessed with Ishi LOL
Everytime I think Eita is becoming a decent dude, he goes of on some sort of narcissistic rant or goes weird ass stalker-mode... Why can't he chill out smfh.
Huh, now that I think about it he's very aggressive with Bungo but he's okay with everyone else. Reminds me of the time I said he's having this intense rivalry between them when Bungo isn't even particularly aware of it
by the way i looks Furuya is better Character than Eita, he always look down om bungo and try to take evrythjng from him.... dont you steal bungo waifu!