Bungo - Vol. 9 Ch. 84 - Regular Catcher

Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2018
We got what we wanted for two pages: Bungo being rated higher than Eita. Eita just has more strings to his bow now.
Feb 7, 2018
This is setting up interesting plot so I'm mostly fine with this development, but it feels like Eita's character so far is making less and less sense.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 27, 2019
@imhungry i agree with you, it annoyed me that he appeared out of nowhere without proper background during their first year. he should have been introduced as a good prospect pitcher. its like the author is making another bungo.
Mar 23, 2018
May as well make this guy the new protag since the author has such a huge boner for him.
Apr 23, 2020
So bungo barely improved. i imagine in the next few games eita will choke and bungo will clutch out the victory with willpower and surprise every scout. I mean what can bungo even do when the other dude is significantly better than him, discover a new pitch or something. They shouldve fleshed out eitas character more and not suddenly getting a power up just from being inspired. Yikes
Jun 10, 2020
So bungo didn’t really improve at all while eita made a drastic jump behind the scenes out of nowhere. Not a fan would like bungo to win the number back quickly
Oct 10, 2019
Eita practiced to achieve ' pitching with no signs ' but that was with the help of hakamada. Eita is desperately trying to one up bungo by every means possible, but in the end we know that he is just a stepping stone for Bungo to step on.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018
So eita's an improved (or for the current story, like) sawamura eijun of DnA.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't it a catcher's job to also control the game by managing the fielders, the opposing batters and the pitches pitchers do? Yeah hakamada improved a lot in catching but he needs those qualities too. Remembering a quote from DnA (again), he'd be the same as a net without those. And yeah the author skips a lot in storytelling so maybe he is skilled in those as well.
Feb 22, 2020
So I guess while eita was working his arse off trying new things and refining his pitch bungo was just staring at the wall he used to pitch at. Wtf this growth seems so unnatural.

The author needs to explain if Bungo hit a wall or something. I remember reading that he has been practicing but he hasn't improved. So why?

So to anyone who knows more than me (which is practically everyone) plz tell me why. It sucks because I really digged the story at first and now all we are getting are teases of a better story.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2020
@weebdonny From my perspective, if it's reasonable for Bungo to go through a huge growth spurt in the 1st year, then it's entirely reasonable for Eita to undergo similar growth in the 2nd year. It is unnatural to be able to go from pitching at a wall with his wrong hand to striking out one of the best U-14 batters in ~3 months, as Bungo did iirc. So in the realm of realism, it kinda makes sense that Bungo didn't grow at that velocity through the rest of the yrs. I'm still disappointed he didn't, but it's a choice by the mangaka which I can respect.

That said, I definitely think the massive change for Eita, both in terms of skill and personality, could've been at least hinted at better. Right now it just hits like a brick wall, and his reasons for being good in 1st yr fall in this chapter don't seem convincing ("I was playing with my bro and I got OP"). As someone said below, it feels like Eita is another Bungo
Aug 7, 2019
So now we got the inverse of DoA? A brilliant yet lacking fastball pitcher and a perfectly controlled moving fastball pitcher.

Writing hasn't been too good with the introduction of Eita. It is very forced and could have been made more natural if he was properly introduced when they were first years.

Thanks for the chapter! Looking forward to the Bungo growth!
Jun 10, 2020
Thanks for the chapter.
Personal opinion, I really don’t like this new ace that became OP out of nowhere.

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