Roy's transformation has a transformation.
Man i wonder what is even his final form.
@Crombs the ones that don't really care about the law and are using it just to get their kicks off are Great and Stanley, Stanley in particular reveals this when he kills Joy's father, Joy (demon chick) doesn't knows this yet in her eyes everyone is just following the rules.
Great probably cares a bit about the rules but more from an absolute power jungle law point of view, in which to him the strong should lord over everyone else, and everyone else either bows or gets stomped.
Jeanne hated himself as we learned this chapter, and his enforcement of the law was as a form to validate his own existence by lethally pointing out the flaws in everyone else.
Drian didn't care about the rules either, but rather than getting a kick out of murder, his role was just an excuse for him to be able to challenge Great and in doing so find a way to connect to someone in battle since that's all he knew.
After this battle, Drian knows that his way of life is unhealthy, Joy knows that there are more subtleties to life than blindly following the law and that morality has shades of grey rater than hard contrast of black and white, Jeanne knows that it is ok to be monster and by not being so harsh on himself he can be less harsh on the world, and Stanley... he remains a piece of shit... he actually didn't learn shit from this.