By Spring - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - I don't need money

Jun 8, 2020
@encrypted12345 ironically Fumi and Yuri would become friends, due to being similar on their thoughts and their obsession with Souta, now that i think about that. She's the "well-mannered, nice and morally righteous on the outside" type of girl and both think of the "bridge girl" as a filthy used goods sukeban (or a "BAD PEOPLE!™", like Yuri says). If Fumi realizes Souta starts to get beyond her control, the last ditch resort she would make is hitching him with Yuri.

And thus, with this chapter, the 1st arc of BaiSupu ends. The next one is gonna get wild. Souta needs to talk things with Haru and attach to her as much as he can because shit will hit the fan for him soon (or for both of them if Shigeo's bastard stepdad attitude goes into overdrive)

@MrMcNasty then, the only adult that showed to care about him is the homeroom teacher. Poor Charlie Buck... :ahem: Souta.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2019
This kid has it tough. Everyone scolds and manipulate him, yet his innocence wouldn’t know the difference.
Group Leader
Apr 7, 2020
This is my favorite comment section hehe I learn more about the story from you guys than what I learn when we translate this xD
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2020
@WhisCalifa69 "If you aren't into researching of japan's darkest sides of their society, you will assume this is overexaggerating drama, but shit like the things happening to Souta's family in this manga happen a lot. Only that mainstream media, shonen manga and government as well hide these dark things so the world only is allowed to see the kawaii and kewl Japan."

Well I don't need to look into Japan specifically to know how bad of an outcome single motherhood is for the family perspective and for the children growing up in such situation. But to be quite frank with feminism all over the west Japan is just heaven compared to the shit show going on with black communities and what this whole can of worms of female empowering and single motherhood does to disturb society. And western woman will follow suit with more and more nanny state actions to get a wedge between man and woman. Sorry to bust your bubble, but it is a life decision people make and they are their punishment, if they have no foresight.
Do I pity those people. Yeah, I have compassion. Like the MC he sure has it rough and the manga is quite good in the portrayal of it. But I'm not white knighting bad gens in real life that spread, especially with subsidizing, this clown show of a death spiral. So as far as it is my concern. I'm ok with seeing the world burn. I enjoy the show. And in the meantime have my entertainment with manga like this one.
Aggregator gang
Jun 28, 2019
I've been reading a lot of manga about toxic relationship / people for a while now and by far, helllll the f do you think you are to forgive him? A saintess????? Lmaaoooo
Jun 8, 2020
@Karakuri1812 she thinks she's morally above every fkn filthy ningen™ due to having a purehearted poor ningen™ dominated. It was more than obvious she looks herself as some type of "saintess" here, due to being pretty, tidy, overachieving and popular (*), she has everything handled over a diamond plate.
Such an arrogant self righteous snake who loses her shit when she thinks things like her Souta are getting beyond her control.

(*) compared to Haru, who's as pretty as her, if not more, but her being a bit of a rebellious klutz with internal issues and carrying bad rumours over her shoulders has her being seen as somebody negative by the characters.

@Airwave2k2 nips live a facade, being poor or coming from a singlemother household (single mother-led families are associated with poverty there) are badly viewed by society stigmas there, hence why the public shame. Their economy bubble booming and growing uncontrolably in the late 70s-early 80s and then bursting into the early 90s had them growing entire generations of people who deny their internal issues and are ashamed of them instead of taking action into the problems to solve them properly.
Aug 8, 2018
What a two-faced manipulative b*tch..
Please don't be fooled souta!!! just need to talk it out with yuki..and yuki honey please clear up that ugly rumor that you're a prostitute and then things will go smoothly
Jun 8, 2020
@kdramalover28 Things are gonna get temporally better for Souta and Haru (not Yuki) though, until the next bombshell either Yuri, Fumi or Shigeo possibly throws at both of them, according to raws.

PSDT: don't go to the mangakakalot comments box of this chapter. There's people raging at Yuri with a passion rarely seen here.
Dec 5, 2019

Wow you are an absolute garbage human being. Racist, sexist human trash. Guessing your an incel loser who will never amount to anything. You say you have empathy but clearly you don't. You blame people for things they have no control over while you sit in privilege. Woman in Japan are frequently treated terribly. Forced out of jobs, harassed and treated as lesser citizens and yet you say that's heaven? Spoken like someone wallowing in privilege. You have never in your life known what it's like to be beaten down. You are pathetic man child and Alt-right garbage like you have so severely damaged this country with your incredible ignorance it becomes horrifying.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2020
@WhisCalifa69 All are living a facade. But that is not the point. The Japanese still have their Omiai, but are for the most part liberal enough to also accept love interests today. Also as much as it is hated to interfere in the coupling as parents; it isn't looked down on in Japan. And since parents seek for a good outcome it is better then letting teens go rampage with hormones and regret it through their life.
Are all marriages stable. No. Is there forced marriage. Sure. Does Japan have relationship with abuse. I think so. But the barrier has soften up. Those issues are countered with a more outspoken Japan than it was decades ago. So there is shadow, but there is also light.
After all Japan is still a homogeneous high trust society. Quite good starting conditions to get a stable family going as couple and most neighborhoods aren't a dumpster fire where you can not even let your child go to school alone. Sure the nips have issues. They stress themselves out to overachieve and put near unreasonable demand on other people and their surrounding to up the social status. But it isn't bad to strive for the top. They will find their own balance between pressure to holding up the facade and find stress-release / relaxation. The generations of the 80s/90s and into 2000s overworked their ass and have burn outs all over the place. Their failing will be an example for the upcoming generations. So what. Sure they have their hikikomori problem and only child households. But what gives. Those will overcome it that don't fall into this kind of behavior and give way to more people who go on in their life. And on the borders of the society you always have individual cases (they are 120 million people some ten thousand cases don't shake up compared to a million normal cases per birth year), but they don't represent the whole of society. The single motherhood problem in Japan a is tiny side issue / over all not much to speak of compared to other societies. At least it isn't as rampant.
Nov 20, 2018
Ya'll acting like this isn't just a soap opera in manga form, calm your tits.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 10, 2020
Gosh that girl's just like his mom. Tch. Haruuu go and meet with Souta already :(((

Anyways, thanks for the chapter!
Jun 8, 2020
you don't wanna to read spoils, do you?
You still are in time to ignore spoilers. If you are gettin' impatient, go to LH and read the raws, the 14th chapter is out and the 15th chapter is gonna be released this weekend.
Haru gets anxious because Souta ain't coming under Kasuga bridge, slowly realizes she's falling for him, goes to visit him at his school, but ends up stalking him and realizes he's extremely poor (sekihin) and regrets the teasing she did at him in the previous translated chapter and gets even MORE anxious bc she fears Souta isn't going to the bridge anymore.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019
Huh? I thought she cared for him because she likes her? Guess she just need a slave huh

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