By Spring - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - I'm an idiot

Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2020
Groth spurt of Haru I like... and the poor fag stays a manlet since malnutrition. It all comes together.
Jun 8, 2020
@Airwave2k2 malnutrition and spoiled food consumption lol. He's 14 tho. If his life quality gets better, he can go a growth spurt. It ain't too late for him.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019
yeah boi
who cares abt cute modest feminine girl who cooks to you, when you can have under bridge delinquent who takes your precious money!
Active member
Jan 14, 2019
Just found this and decided to give it a shot even though it was tagged Smut. I generally dont enjoy works in that genre but the premise sounded really interesting and cover was cute. God damn am I invested in the characters and I just want my boy to have a good life :c Anyhow I look forward to more chapters and am avidly awaiting the next c: ty for the work so far .
Dec 10, 2019
Well this is good that Spring acted like nothing happen. Worst think would be if she acted overly conscious and show unnecessary pity for MC- that would just break him and only lower his self esteem.
Next chapter will be probably Yuri's and/or Fumi's perspective and after that start of problems in school for MC, but probably home room teacher will step up as he is quite good guy.
Jun 8, 2020
@kdramalover28 it's gonna be hard. There are 4 major bosses standing between a possible love blossoming.

-Stage boss: their age gap (14-17)
-Disc one boss: Fumi, the psycho mom.
-The dragon: Yuri, who has an unhealthy, but still legit crush on him.
-Final boss: Souta himself. He still doesn't get the hint and will kind of go through a dangerous path.

Luckily his homeroom teacher will step in when he puts two and two on Souta's delicate situation.
Jun 8, 2020
@comeonnow that would be if he doesn't ragequit first and before. If he becomes Fumi's customer, it's very likely Sakura (Haru's momma) will run away with Haru.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
You want to know what's really funny? Yuri would've had the easiest of wins if she'd just had cared a little bit less about appearances (a state she didn't get into until she felt jealous that her Souta was being taken from her) and just approached the boy a bit earlier and told her friend to fuck off if need be. Dude was so desperate for basically anything companionship wise that he'd pretty much have conformed to whatever she'd want from him in such a scenario.

And of course if that had happened he'd probably never be desperate enough to go "buy" a woman and thus never meet Haru which is a major obstacle gone for her. Souta wouldn't have had to scrounge up money and he'd act less suspiciously towards his mom so she's less likely to trap him with the job. Of course getting the mom to approve the friendship, or relationship if Yuri wanted to escalate it, is a completely different story but its not as if she could've stopped the two from meeting up at school.

In short, Yuri lost herself the game due to her inaction during the time prior to Chapter 1
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@GuitarLegend There's really not one because the last two are more meant to be a mini-climax of their character arcs and resolution of them, so there's nothing especially complex going on. Really, the big revelations from Haru occurred earlier and MC falling for Haru was basically set up from day one.

The more interesting stuff will happen later, probably.

I know this is how some yuri shippers act, but dear god if that ends up being in the manga, I will destroy everything everyone holds dear as bringer of the End Times.

Nothing is sacred. No one is spared, not even the children.

I think it would be interesting if Yuri tells MC's mom, which leads to worse abuse both physically and sexually, and Yuri has to realize her actions and the consequences of them. Just a moment of pause, or of insight, and that she has assumed so much about MC's life and her desire to control him that she doesn't realize how much it will lead to him suffering, and so she tells the teacher about the abuse which gives him enough evidence to report it to the police. It'd be interesting and would resolve multiple plot lines.

Also, in regards to the second comment, that's part of the tragedy of her character. She's so used to just getting everything she wants she expect him to just fall into her lap, and doesn't realize she needs to be proactive. She feels that he belongs to her, and it's only natural that he gets to be with her. Hell, I'd argue the only reason she wants to be with him is because everyone around her is telling that she can't have him or even hang out with him because he's poor and gross, and that gives him the allure of being forbidden in her eyes.
Group Leader
Apr 7, 2020
@WhisCalifa69 wouldn’t it be interesting if the teacher ends up being Fumi’s customer lol And at this point I don’t see love sparks between Souta and Haru, but it will happen sooner or later! They better End up together or I’m dropping this lolol jk...maybe...
Jun 8, 2020
@justforthelulz oh sh*t! I remembered that series!!!
@LordTrollbias Yuri thought she had him all for herself, only because he was the only guy who was genuinely nice to her at the middle school entrance ceremony. I agree, she had 2 years (the years middle school have in japan) to make a move and convince people to stop looking at Souta with death glares. She lost by her reactive personality.

Now that i see, Yuri is the foil to Haru. While one is popular, is a role model student, has a normal family core and a healthy relationship with her mom, dad and older sister, the other is a socially average everygirl despite of her looks, it's hinted to be a slacker who underperforms at school and has a kind of fucked up family relationship. It also applies for their relationships with Souta. One ain't afraid to show (and shove all over his face) her crush into him, amd the other has hard times into coming to terms with herself with the fact she's growing fond of him.

@GuitarLegend. As i said, it's gonna be hard. But at least it looks to actually enjoy each other's presence. It's just the age difference, the status quo of their "relationship", the toxicity of their environments and Souta's misconceptions about her that will make things go south. Both authresses are labeling BaiSupu as a "teenage love story that started with 24 yen", so it's gonna be futile, and hypocritical to the premise if nuffin hapoens between the MC and FMC.

Aw man, if teacher becomes another customer, then this manga will go Shonen no Abyss levels of depressing and hopeless.

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