By Spring - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - I'm an idiot

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 23, 2018
What? Why?

About Souta decision I kinda get it, he surely isn't falling in love with Haru, yet. But more like because she's the first one who are kind to him and that make him comfortable. So he grew attached to her.

But, I don't understand why Haru still doing this charade, she basically know Souta condition. Is she afraid if she tell him she doesn't need money anymore, their relationship will be over? Because there's no reason for Souta to come to the bridge anymore.
Jun 8, 2020
@Twia go back to chapters 14 and 11. She remembered when she told him "if no money, then no service" and he ran away into a broken mess. That's why she says to herself she will act like she doesn't know anything, because, on her head, if she says the truth to him, he can snap (when it will be better if she changes the sentences order when telling the truth. If she flatly starts with "stop givin' your money to me", it's obvious he will get the wrong idea).
The other part is Souta thinking she's is nice to him only when he brings money.
Haru has it very hard, really hard into being honest. One little mistake and she won't see the only boy she's actually comfy with anymore.

Bc, yeah, Souta is the type of boy who jumps to conclusions and has a high risk of turning into a depressive trainwreck at the moment he thinks and feels things start go south for him. Just tho think: he's the type of kid that will snap and go suicidal if he discovers his mom's job and things at school start to go south when Yuri finally snaps (something inwvitable at this point), and worst, if Haru ain't clear at being honest.

That's why what Haru did was kind of logical for now. Even though there's a risk of a bigger misunderstanding there bc of Souta's wrong concepts (more like prejudices at this point), she doesn't want to lose whatever she has built. Same for Souta, he doesn't want to lose the relationship he built with "le evul jk whore", and that's why he will stubbornly and mindlessly give his money to her.

As a reader, when this chapter was released in raw, i had the feeling this was going to be the calm after a category 5 typhoon, an F5 class tornado and a summer monsoon altogether bc of every thing that happened before. No surprised why this is published in a seinen mag.
Power Uploader
Sep 5, 2019
Yeah, this is frustratingly stupid from Haru to act so.

Simply say you didn't know he was poor and that you were just teasing but actually really liked him.
Jun 8, 2020
@trapsarebetter blame Souta for being an idiot (something he even lampshades in this chapter) and Haru for being a bit of a tsundere.
She didn't say him the truth bc she knows he's a weakass bleeding heart affection deprived poorfag as seen in chaps. 11 and 13.


When Haru told him 'no money, no honey", he got into a full blown BSOD and ran away before letting her continue whatever she was gonna tell to him.


/noticed that a little, but meaningful line got lost in tl here. Iirc, in the bubble where it says "you know what", she says "あいつヘタレだからなあ~~~" ("haaa! After all, he's a sissy"). It's important bc it kind of explains her tsundereness towards him and why Haru decided to continue the "hoe & pimp" game instead of telling him the truth. She knows he jumps to conclusions and gets a BSOD when being denied of something and if she says "stop givin' me money", he'll assume she got enough of him and wants to get rid of him asap. A badly delivered word, and everything will get cut into pieces. She doesn't want to lose the relationship she has with him, and thinks this status quo is the best for now.

This will bite hard in both of their asses in the future. Neither of them are the brightest bulbs in the town.
Dec 10, 2019
@WhisCalifa69 @trapsarebetter
Worst think you can do to someone with depression or other mental problems is to just change your attitude to them 180 degree out of nowhere- like being overly conscious or nice around them. This will only trigger theirs sense of insecurity and lower theirs self esteem as they will notice that something is off and will only think about worst things possible like "They pity me. I'm nothing" and so on. It's sad, but this how serious depression can be and how it can break people even when on the outside they look normal or happy. Dealing with it requires small steps, serious efforts and time.

Actually missing part is when Spring turned around to him (after "I can't do anything if you don't have money" which was a joke/tease from her) and she started to say "Actually, you don't need to give me mo.." then she noticed that MC run off and she thought "Hey?! What is wrong? I didn't even finish... "
Also both Yuri and Fumi aren't some kind of mastermind evil characters. They are good deep down, but have a set of own problems which puts them sometimes more in greyish area (like most characters in this manga) than simple black or white (good or evil).

As for what will happen next pretty much chapter 16 will be Spring asking MC (Souta) for his name and maybe even turning things around and she will be"paying" him for telling and hanging out- what would be quite nice touch to be honest. Followed by chapter from Yuri (still nothing about her parents and they are key to setting her character) or Fumi (her family, her husband and MC father) PoV.
Bad things like bulling in school will probably start after 1/2 chapters (probably either teachers or Spring will deal with those morons), but I really doubt manga will go with any super dark themes (no reasons for it anyway) like some mentioned here (teacher or step father with Fumi and so on)- I mean author had many chance to do so, but she didn't go with any of those non logic (just check Domestic Kanojo drama for drama sake...) points so I have high hopes for it. Later probably MC will end up taking some part time job maybe working for Spring step father.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
there's probably some rough drama up ahead i wish these two happiness , hope they did end up together
Double-page supporter
Dec 18, 2019
I was expecting an apology or some kind of "lets put all this behind us and hang out". Probably a strange thought that I'm glad its at this age for Souta. If he were 10-20 years older and interested in someone into compensated dating things wouldn't really end well for him (probably).

The way the current events are transpiring its giving me bad vibes from another dark manga about compensated dating except that dude wasn't piss poor.
Jun 8, 2020
from another dark manga about compensated dating except that dude wasn't piss poor.
BTW, aren't you talking about Rent-A-Girlfriend?

Luckily, the compensated dating part can't apply here. Hoping things could go as decent as the atmosphere can allow.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2019
So she knows he is poor as fuck and still took that money? I expected sth like she tells 10 yen is enough for today or today its free. At least we know she is a good girl, im curious how this manga gonna go, it gonna be hard for them to end up together unless it goes for a long time and few years pass so the boy can start working but even then he would need to do sth about his mother, i dont think she gonna let him leave her.
Active member
Dec 28, 2018
@gtx1080Ti What manga/anime/vn is your avatar photo character from? I feel like I have seen it but not seen it
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 23, 2018
@Whiscalifa69 then my guess is probably correct though, she isn't telling the truth because she afraid Souta will not come back again.
But from this point on, she must slowly but surely make Souta realize that he don't have to give her money anymore, they can just be friend, grow attached together, without a need to "buying" anything. This is what she have to acomplish, but it won't be easy.
And there also Fumi and Yuri haha.
Sep 21, 2018
Well, looks like there are many people that ask:"Why does Souta chose Haru over Yuri"? I think it's because Yuri's smile kinda resemble Souta's Mother smile (Meaning Souta instinctively felt something unpleasant). Meanwhile Haru's smile is really pure and bright
Jun 10, 2019
I think the reason he isn't into brunette is mainly because he gets a similar feeling like that from his mother.

Here's the thing. His mother and the girl fetishize him. He's like some ideal, special man, different from all other men.

They don't see him for who he really is, but rather what he represents.

Blondie sees him normally.
Jun 8, 2020
@quagzlor @raihantriwahyudi tbf i can see a pattern there now that you've mentioned it.

Momma smile


Yuri smile



Souta, although naive, ain't the "poor pure special snowflake" both Fumi (MC mom) and Yuri (his classmate) think and want him to be (c'mon, a big part of his character introduction moment was him jerking off to an old JAV mag. Besides, he had R rated smut tagged thougths about what Haru would do to him with 10k yen. That alone obliterates the "pure" aspect of him) and, at least at gut level, feels they (and other adults like Matoba) are just having second insidious intentions on his words and want him to be something he isn't and doesn't want to. The shading and panel dispositions also tell you their "smiles" ain't bright, but hide a malicious desire.
Yuri is shaping up to be a mini Fumi because she's being literally his mother, but younger and hella lot richer.

Souta better turn 15yo soon, find a part time job, start to strength his selfish desires and run away from home. He's in that shit only because of being unlucky enough to still be a middle schooler.

tl;dr this manga tells you when somebody's smile isn't honest or genuine. Souta being hypersensitive on a gut level and having that distraught look after watching certain people smiling at him helps to understand their intentions.
Double-page supporter
Apr 21, 2020
@Twia If that's what she needs to do...then, asking him if he had more money on him, before rewarding him with a hug when she found out he did wasn't the best way to start implementing that... :/

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