By Spring - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - A cruel life

Dec 31, 2019
Despite how not-out-of-place they would be in a darker incest-themed H-manga, both images (dialogue unedited from the scanlations) are indeed from By Spring.
Jun 8, 2020
@justforthelulz just consider a thing: Chi no Wadachi is on its climax as far as i know and Seiko is about losing the leash she had on Seiichi, mw, in By Spring, mommy is tightening her leash on Souta. This manga getting a sudden popularity boost (from the resident bottom 5 to being 11th out of 19 series and above Chi no Wadachi and without neither having publicity nor special features such as a color lead page, only relying on sheer tankoubon sales and surveys) is also hinting at this taking Chi no Wadachi's place once the latter comes to an end... soon (I know Shogakukan ain't Shueisha and they're more flexible with their authors, but they also run preference surveys).

So, expect Fumi to do some kind of incestuous shit to keep her leash on Souta, as she already is performing some kind of emotional incest from the get go, she could go physical incest if Souta starts to rebel himself. Just imagine if Souta runs away, but Fumi finds out him with Haru just doing innocent things, such as mere handholding or simple pecks on the lips nevertheless... Fumi would actually chain him to the table and go full End of Eva's Misato on him and deliver some cringy line akin to "that prostitute doesn't know how to kiss. Only your mommy who loves you very much and won't give up on you knows what is good for you" and the proceed to fully french kiss his insides. If that hapoens, then Souta could get Kamille'd (aka mindfried and mentally fubar).
Dec 31, 2019
Oh, I never meant to imply incest was completely off the table between Souta/Fumi, only that it hadn't happened or been confirmed yet.
I would be surprised if this series ended (whenever that may be) without Fumi making any sort of advances towards her own son, whether out of desperation or a need for control, or both.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2019
Am I asking too much for the mother might rape her own son one day ?

NOTE : This is just fiction, not a dick. Don't take it too hard
Jun 8, 2020
@Lolipop_Candy some posts ago i said that this could go the physical incest torture route in the mid-to-near future if Souta runs away, unintentionally advances his relationship with Haru and gets found out by Fumi or a hypocritical Yuri. Chi no Wadachi is on its climax chapters (as Seiichi is finally breaking free from his mom's tight leash) and the magazine needs to fill the vacant site.

@Amenohi I don't think they have air conditioned.

Tbf,i can see Souta getting extremely sick and with a life threatening fever due to the sudden temperature changes between being seminaked and going to the bath. Japanese cold is serious business.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 23, 2018
It's like watching a prisoner or slave movie, physically and mentally of the character.
Hmm I still kind of 50/50 about the mother, I get what she's been through but.. also understand that she got some screw loose (and yet Fumi is still rational about anything else, except about how raising her son—this part though is deeply because her trauma)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Twia dude whata re you talking about? She got cheated on, yeah it sucks, and her life has been hard, no ones denying that, but to take all the clothes of your son so he cant go outside your house?
Also, the way she asked for time off her job while stressing the fact that shes a single mother, and that her son is being bullied, shes the classic example of a manipulative person.
She has a pathological need to control other people, since she has no control of her own life. SHE IS MENTAL.

What bothers me more than that though, is the completely irresponsible teacher. Hes all like "Oh, hes being bullied very hard, so its perfectly normal to not go to school for a weak, nothing wrong here." I mean, isnt it your job to make sure your students arent bullied? And you cant possible buy the whole "i fell on the stairs" excuse when you KNOW the kid is being billied. How can you naturalize something like that, and act like its none of your business? How irresponsible can you be, do your fucking job, man.
Jun 8, 2020
@Rhin Fumi's abandonment issues mindfried her, it's actually worse bc you shall also consider her family also disowned her. Those 2 things alone doesn't justify what she's doing with Souta though. I know she fears he would abandon her once he gets a gf and that's why she's tightening her grip over him. She's beyond redemption as of now, as a realization will obliterate her soul and mind for sure.

Teacher was deceived by Fumi's looks. Remember people tend to associate child abusers with confrontational and hideous looking hags or drunk bastards, that shit happens a lot irl, if a child abuser is pretty/handsome and is a calm and collected person in the outside, it's really hard for people to notice. More like irresponsible, he was gullible and naive. He still is worried though, but i think he will give up his position if he realizes too late and Souta enters into a life threatening situation, such as a japanese cold (him being semi naked and exposed to sudden temperature changes due to that will only worse his health) or mom going physical punishment.
Aggregator gang
Aug 15, 2020
Jun 8, 2020
@kipi 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣too bad this manga ain't escapism, but a bittersweet love story with real life elements.

@kurosaki96 you spoiled what will happen in 3 or 4 chapters in advance once Souta runs over his mom's smartphone contact list xDDDD. I'm anxious and really scared about how would he react.
Feb 4, 2018

What a poor child.
His only ray of light is Haru now, a girl he think only see him because of his money.

It will be a long road before a happy end.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 23, 2018
My god she's psychotic haru needs to save him quick who knows whsts next

@Stardustphantom97 it's not about not trusting his word she use to see her son as a sweet angel the only good man out there she could trust. But now she views him a beast of a human being that she needs to save the world from his harmful effects. She sees him as the same bastard like her ex who she thinks will ruin her another girls life.

@WhisCalifa69 @ArisenDresden if yuri knows the truth she will only use it to harm him or if she does save him use it to control him. She was clearly happy with peoples turning on him and only liked him because she didnt see him scary like the other boys. Shes the same controlling crazy like his mom if anything could see his mom force him to get with her.

Also the mom only asked for less work so she can watch her son more since she doesn't trust him and want to trap him in the house. She likely will still prostitute herself since its main source of income who knows maybe start prostituting herself infront of him.

@Tamerlane she won't sexually assault him herself but could see her potentially making him prostitute himself.
Jun 8, 2020

Also the mom only asked for less work so she can watch her son more since she doesn't trust him and want to trap him in the house. She likely will still prostitute herself since its main source of income who knows maybe start prostituting herself infront of him.

Just imagine the possibilities... if one of the customers ends up being Haru's stepdad and delivers highly suspicious lines... holy shit.

Shes the same controlling crazy like his mom if anything could see his mom force him to get with her.

If Yuri comes (i think teacher will force her to make Souta catch up with the homework) and delivers a sob story about how much she wants Miura-kun to straight himself and says she was the culprit of the bullying bc Souta drove her in a corner, when in reality she does ""care"" about him,then poor boy is fucked. Chained to his house semi-naked and with Yuri watching him might be a recipe for disaster.

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