First of all, shout out to Cadre Scans for being the rudest scan group and staff that I have ever interacted with in my life. You guys have the audacity to bully and belittle people in your public server, even when they're just asking for updates. Speaking of updates, if I may, I have never met a more inconsistent scans group in my life! You guys hog various series, but don't even upload most of them regularly. You don't update for several months, yet complain when another group tries to pick it up for the sake of the reader's enjoyment. It's so ridiculous that you guys claim all of these series, but don't do anything with most of them. There's so many other groups out there that could do such an amazing job with these stories. How do you guys have the gall to hog all of these series when the quality is so atrocious, that it seems like it was released by 5th graders?
What is the point of your scans group? Why does your scans group exist? To promote hatred? To promote bullying? To ruin beautiful stories with horrible translations and grammar? You guys are lazy, and quite frankly, very very annoying. I hope the authors of these works send out C&D's on all of the stories that you guys scanlate so I can save my eyes from the horrors of having to read the chickenshit translations that are your works.
And yes, I proofread this message before posting it. You guys should try it sometime!