Can "Sexual violence" tag can be further be sub divided? like "Trauma/PTSD" "abusive" "frequency" "Reverse" etc

Jan 12, 2020
Edit: lol I just felt sexual violence is too broad. Wanted mods or community to maybe divide it into 2/3 tags. Feel free to discuss, ignore or disparage. i was about to pass up this manga because of sexual violence tag. Fortunately, it was mentioned in the comment section that MC was abused as a child. If it had been like abusive relationship i would have regretted even starting the series. I know i am being sensitive here. But i still prefer to read for some light laughs and not have heart ache. Whats your thought on it?
Aggregator gang
Jan 21, 2018
No, please. I can already see this is going to be a bad idea. If it were to be implemented there would be more useless tag like this would be suggested in the future. I would really hate if MD become full of useless tag like NovelUpdates, that kind of tag of management is such a mess and would only hindered the reader in general. If you're being sensitive then either dropped the series or ignore it.
Mar 10, 2020
Hard no from me. Fucking everyone wants their own personal safe space.

Not only would there be an infinite amount of tags for who fucking knows what, they would also effectively be spoilers for the story.
Gore and sexual violence already exist. If someone gets triggered by a dog dying, that's on them for not reading a review.

People seriously need to get a backbone; PTSD is an actual thing which too many people who get anxious over the stupidest fucking shit try and adopt or self-diagnose on to themselves.
Stories can't use anything real or terrorizing for effect now because of a few loud asses who can't come face to face with their own issues and instead whine that they got "triggered".
Those people should just fuck off.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
No, i don't think so, i prefer just blacklisting sexual violence and leave it at that.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
Anybody who wants a safe space doesnt get one. Because life is supposed to be hard. There are no safe spaces. Go to your damn therapy and move on. Things that happen to YOU need to be resolved by YOU, dont drag other people into your shit.
YOU personally doesnt matter. Something thats happened to you, has likely happened to thousands if not millions of people over the years. And did the world end? No. People need to learn that they arent unique, they arent special, and they arent the center of the universe. All we are is walking sacks of meat and bone.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
i support this.
i mean how can i get my mindbreaking highschool girl abuse hentai with just sexual violence tag?
Active member
Feb 9, 2020
I don't think it's a good idea. The moment you see sexual violence. You must in a way accept the idea of what kind of topics it will convey in the story. I think that separating this tag can cause more unwanted tags.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018

Anybody who wants a safe space doesnt get one. Because life is supposed to be hard. There are no safe spaces. Go to your damn therapy to move on.

Your therapist must be doing a bad job, if you don't feel safe in therapy
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2019
I can imagine a case being made for the tag being a little too broad, whether in definition or application; there have been a few times where I've read a tagged series where I saw the violence but not the sexuality, or vice versa. That might be me being a little jaded. I consider the broadness a strength of the system, though. People like me will just read the thing and go "okay, no" or "huh, that's it?" and the more sensitive can just steer clear. If they don't want the risk, they can simply forgo it.

I further believe sexual violence works as an umbrella term because I don't see what useful choice exists between the tags you suggest. Mainly, SV;PTSD and SV;abuse. They're cause and effect, so I don't see how you get one without the other. Reverse makes no sense to me because unlike traps, sexual violence is not inherently gendered. I don't know Frequency's meaning in this context, so I'd appreciate a definition there.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
Wow you're so special. Let's protect you and other people with more tags :)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Yeah lol, admittedly some people were hyperbolic in their advocacy against the tag.

What I was getting at was basically that decisions like these shouldn't be based too heavily on empathy, as decisions based mostly on any sort of emotion usually lead to overreactions or even underreactions.

I guess there's probably a middle ground for these sorts of tags, where they're vague enough to not spoil the stories they're tagged on, but still specific enough to let people know what they're getting into.
Apr 30, 2018
I think if we start splitting the tags up, there will be too many of them, and it'll get confusing. What you said about the sexual violence tag, can be said about a lot of them. If someone's incredibly sensitive to the subject, they should just avoid it altogether.

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