Can't remember the title of this manga

Jun 18, 2019
I believe the genres of this manga is somewhere within the realms of historical, romance and maybe shoujo, I don't remember it all too well but here goes nothing.

So, the main character is a girl working as a servant, apparently she is really physically strong and ends up being transferred to some lazy guys mansion. I think the main love interest was a god or something? He was super lazy and weak I believe, relied on MC a lot as a sort of gopher or bodyguard. There was a turning point very early in the manga where the love interest gives the MC a strange bracelet I think, essentially that bracelet made her his fiancée, though I believe it was broken later in in the series.

There was a part in the manga during that arc however where MC is captured by the main love interests' little brother who is a brocon and clings to the guy like a koala. That's all I remember, someone save me it's been haunting myind for months

I remember some more parts of it. So everyone was very disproving of the predicament they were in, even the MC herself. She tries to get it off as much as possible and this is when the main love interest starts developing feelings for her. Once it came off I can't remember if the guy let her quit of she wanted to or forced her to stay, but he moat definitely developed feelings for her during that period of time.

I remember the cover art as well vaguely. The MC had red hair, was wearing a red dress, and in her arms was the main love interest being carried bridal style. He was yawning and both his hair and clothes where white.
Mar 19, 2019

Hi there! Your description reminded me of this series:

I think it's similar but some things are different from what you said.

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