Raws show manga is currently at Chp 15; scanlation covers the 1st 2 available manga volumes.
@Ixiaz Japan's webnovel readerbase play an important role in drumming up hype and interest for WN title. When they give the WN enough likes and regularly discuss it, a publisher will get wind of the WN, sees it as potential new marketable LN series and then give the author a publishing contract. It's why you see authors thanking their internet fanbase for helping to bring their WN to publication.
It's usually expected that an author will update and maintain both their WN + LN versions of their titles, partly as gratitude to their followers and partly to maintain a preexisting loyal fanbase. If loyal enough, said fanbase will always go and buy the LN versions and manga adaptations to support the author. So yes, to an extent the author owes the local fans free content where possible to keep their goodwill.
If the author can't prioritise the WN due to diverging plot points, it's usually expected author will inform their fans beforehand. I recall some of Galactic Navy's WN readers commenting on the author's WN page that "if you can't continue the WN version, at least let us know beforehand. Don't keep quiet and give us false hope re. WN updates; after all it was Our support that made your WN get notice and published".