Caught by the Villain - Ch. 33

Fed-Kun's army
Feb 11, 2019
LOL yanderes huh
He forced her to be his knight yet he expects loyalty.
Mar 19, 2019
I read the novel until close to the end and this is a trip down the memory lane! I remember being a bit shocked by his behavior here back then. But now it feels very different.
Gotta love flawed characters that actually have great development!

If you guys are curious about spoilers, I kinda want to ramble a bit about my feelings about the novel:

You guys don't even know how cute and wholesome Ignis will get! You thought Letio was a puppy at the beginning? Well, Ignis is the real puppy here! Peak pining! And a lot of regret of how he acted towards her. The only man that is like "I'm everyone's perfect type" and "He is way too good for me! I don't deserve him!" at the same goddamn time lol. He also gets his just deserts for every wrong thing he did to Selena at the beginning. So it's not just him turning over a new leaf without getting the punishment that hurt him the most. Btw Ignis REALLY doesn't know that Selena is a woman. It takes a really long time until he finds out and that scene was one of the most painful scenes in the novel. Ignis is a bi icon and doesn't care about her gender but... He was still super hurt that she never told him earlier and that she feared the worst from him... And in true Ignis fashion, he regrets his reaction the second after the fact.
Nov 10, 2019
Um, I truly don't understand why everybody is defending her. From an objective point of view, she lied to her employer. And if that's not enough, the guy she's been secretly meeting with is a direct rival of her royalty employer, the one who could kill him and take away his power at any moment. That's a HUGE red flag for treason and betrayal.

And even if she didn't do anything, she's still very much in the wrong since she never listened to him, it's like she's challenging his authority. It's not a simple matter of 'possessiveness' lmao, if it was anyone else who employed her, she would've been labeled as a traitor already. Her behaviors would be unnacceptable even if he was a normal employer, not to mention he's an almighty prince that should be respected by his citizens, furthermore his personal knight. She's clearly in the wrong, y'all. If this was an ancient chinese manhwa, she would've been executed already 😅

People also need to remember that he didn't force her to be his personal knight, she consented to it because of her father. Stop saying things like he took advantage of her, because he's not. She got the benefits but she never did her duty well, I'll say she's the one who took advantage of him 😂
Dec 4, 2020
@sakurachii, please shut up. Translators pay with their own money to buy the chapters and translate it. Well, unless if they/he/she have a provider. But even if they have, translating takes up a huge amount of time. Besides, the translation isnt even that bad. Its actually pretty good. Its just that you're too dumb for your brain to process it. Although maybe the translation is a bit bad, you absolutely have no right to trash-talk them/him/her. These are their/his/her hard work. The translator/s dont even get money from this. They're basically doing charity work. Stop being so picky. If you dont like the translation, just buy the chapters, and translate it. Or, just shut up and drop this. That would be a better solution.

@Eclat123, Lets just say its for......plot convinience. Tho I agree when you said "If this was an ancient chinese manhwa, she would've been excecuted already." Cus even accidentally wearing clothes that are not fit for the certain occassion can at least get you demoted. Buuut theyd just kill you cus thats the easier way in ancient china.

ok, wow. This means I must transfer ships. But anyways, I was rlly hoping to not see "It'll take rlly long till he finds out." Long would be okay but rlly long hurts me. But its fine. I will wait. Tho im a bit hurt..... I was hoping for a BL ship with the advisor and the prince....oh previous ship has now sunk...;((
Mar 26, 2020
Ignis is being too nice. If I were him I'd have killed her already or canceled the deal and expose her father. It's not like she likes him right now anyway, making her hate him or killing her won't make any difference. That is what a REAL villain would do. Right now he's just spoiling her so much and she isn't using her brain at all or considering that he's being super lenient on her. idk why so many people in this comments section just blindly dislike him when he hasn't done much but try to win her over and have her do her job. Selena is so annoying and blindly prejudiced against Ignis. She already acknowledge the story is different, why still assume Ignis is the only one unchanged.

Of course, the answer is because this is a webtoon and they need to drag a plot out.
Sep 6, 2019
Most people are defending her because he IS the future emperor, with respect from others, therefore he already has an extreme amount of power that he can immediately exert on her with or without reason. There's already a large power-gap between the two of them, and considering she wants her and her family to survive the best they can while also being under the heavy supervision of such large influential people inside of the novel, she's already put into a tight corner that's she has to carefully maneuver. Meaning she will have to be deceiving them regardless if she likes it or not because it's the best outcome for her survival.

While yes, she accepted because he would offer to help her father out and that was enough to bribe her, it's because she's already in a predicament and already knows he's not willing to let go of her talents in the first place considering he starts spending more time around her and just would not go away despite her obvious hesitance. She might as well get something out of it because her original goal is to survive for as long as she can with her family intact, and he really should have expected that from someone who was clearly unwilling in the first place.

And while he doesn't necessarily like Letio, he isn't completely aware that he'll be a direct danger to his ascension to the throne just yet, so even his suspicion isn't completely founded. Not to say he isn't paranoid of others without reason since his goal is to survive as well, but he's been also incredibly deceitful himself, so it's jarring to see him tell others lies while becoming angry when someone tells a light fib. But hey, I suppose that's character development for ya.
Dec 15, 2020
@LingLing40Hrs1 I understand what you're saying and I hold the utmost respect for any translator, but isn't the translator for this specific chapter s2manga? I have no respect for them. This translation was great, but in other websites they destroy really good manga by sniping it and releasing the crappiest translations. The dialogue is literally Chinese manhwa translation level. I haven't checked this out for myself, but apparently they do this to redirect people to their website or something which actually has decent translations. They deserve nothing but disdain. I literally left a couple of websites because they kept on snatching good manga and destroying it
Nov 3, 2019
@LingLing40hrs1 why should i shut up? I am entitled to my opinion just like you yours. And fyi, in case you don't know how to differentiate, there's a difference between trash talk and constructive criticism. It's up to the translator to take the criticism as a way to improve or get mad and stop doing it altogether.

If i was trash talking them, i would've put in some insults and asked them to stop translating (yes, just like your close minded comment). If someone gives you a not so great work (since you seem to mind a lot when i said it was poor), then it's the reader's fault for not being able to understand? That seems somewhat illogical don't you think.

Then again, sure i was at fault for reading it 🙄 how would i know if i would have liked the translation before reading it? Only after knowing would i be able to decide to drop it or not duh
Nov 21, 2020
Well, tough shit, people lie all the time and even if one doesn't lie for the hell of it, white lies and personal secrets are unavoidable. Hope that Ignis improves a bit because at this point he's not less obsessive than Letio. I get that he's disappointed but come on, that was a break up-level speech. She *is* lying to him, of course, but she's not exactly being frivolous, and from his POV she acted weirdly for a while and then talked to Letio a bit. I wonder how he'll react when he learns the truth...
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 19, 2019
This chapter is really badly done. I can't even say "please find a proofreader" or something like that because it's just really messy.
Dec 4, 2020
@sakurachii, well, saying "The translation is poor." Can be misinterpreted as an isnult. But anyways, I thought constructive critisim is about telling someone that they should improve on this and that or, is it gonna motivate the Translator to improve on their work?.... Cus im kinda confused here. And welll....I checked and lots of ppl (like me) were talking about that the translation was rlly good and understandable in the recent chapters. So I assumed that it wasnt only me that thought it was rlly good. So I thought that the translation was actually good. Also, yeah. I know my logic is bad. But its not like I can improve it- Well, ok bye then.

@Lestarrypotato1, wait what?

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