page 2 :
- ... watashi 's final task is to make asa fall into hell . get it ? "fall" ? and my name is "falling devil" ? lol .
page 3 :
what the hell is "ex-potential girl-friend" ? the translation is so bad .
ex-girl-friend in the past .
potential girl-friend in the future .
these are 2 different things .
- falling devil : ... arara , ara ara ara ...
page 8 :
- chainsaw man ( CSM ) actually says : i want to eat french dogs from france .
フレンチドック = furenchi dokku ( a mis-spelling of フレンチドッグ = french dog )
In Japan, corn dog is usually called an "American dog" , based on the idea of where the food is believed to originate.
It is also called "French Dog" in certain parts of Japan including Hokkaido.
then i guess you can say : this is the 2nd time that CSM "has a taste" of the yummy , delicious body of a hot , pretty girl , lol .
then the girl is "inside" CSM , lol .
last page :
- she is coming ?
- i am coming .