@Kampfarsch I know what you say and I can relate. But, if we think what would be the "normal" thoughts of someone in that situation, we will probably only see how they don't feel they are of that gender and thats not bad, but it makes the story to go to a more depresive way most of the times. So, if you don't want to do a more serious job you have to do it in another form. I know that it is not excuse to do a poorly job but we have to confom with something. Also, about being gay, well you can say that it doesn't make much sense but this story transform the MC into a girl with a thunder so yeah a lot of sense and what I'm trying to say it's that we don't know if that thunder changed something else and another thing there is also the effect of the hormones that can affect and who knows if it is what we are guesing it is.
This comment goes with respect and sorry for my english.