Chapters Didn't Upload?

Jan 22, 2025
Hello! Two questions. I've been trying to update English chapters to the "Canis" (here) manga. I've been translating Ch. 27 onwards myself, without any group affiliation, but none of the uploads seem to go through? I've reviewed the rules and joined the Discord but can't tell why the chapter isn't uploading. Is it being rejected because there aren't current English chapters before Ch. 27?

Second question. There were also earlier chapters from a scanlation group that now seems to be defunct/gone. I've tried to find them to get permission to repost, but I can't locate them and their origin website no longer exists. Their last activity seems to be from 4+ years ago. If I'm reading the rules right, I'm wondering if it would be appropriate to upload those chapters here, with credit where possible? I'm trying to centralize where this manga can be accessed for readers' convenience but don't want to step on toes...

Thanks for any help! :) Sorry also for any ignorance, I'm new to this scene.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2025
Hi! I'm not a mod but it's normal if your uploads aren't visible when you upload a chapter for the first time with an account. The chapter(s) will be checked by moderators, it takes around 2 days.
Jan 8, 2023
As the answer above said, your first upload (for each different language) is always manually reviewed to prevent spam. When submitting the upload, you should have gotten a popup that also mentions the process should take around two days.

As for the second question, if they're defunct, feel free to upload as long as you provide proper credit. Basically, create a group with their name (adding any social media links if they still exist) and select that group when uploading their chapters. If they have credit pages, obviously don't leave them out.
Jan 22, 2025
Thank you both! :D Admittedly, I waited about a week after trying to upload the chapter I translated myself, but when it didn't show up, I tried to re-submit. I've done that about three times throughout late January to now, before I decided to post here on the forum, lol. Not sure if I should try re-uploading again-- I don't want to spam, and I know there's been an uptick in uploads for mods to review, so review takes a while... I guess I'll wait a bit longer!

@DokterKaj -- thanks for explaining how to upload another defunct group's works, I appreciate it! Will definitely include the credit pages, which are still out there. Much thanks!

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