Cheating Men Must Die

Double-page supporter
May 20, 2019

Using elaborate means, she beats up countless cheating bastards and bitches

Also lets be honest here, most of the store is going to center with woman vs woman with guys being pretty scum.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 10, 2019
Being sexist is okay when its against males hurr durr

Now dont get me wrong though, im not giving this a terribly low score yet as theres only a few chapters here.
Aug 28, 2019
before judging, people should at least read the description and not rate or hate based on the first few chapters or the title itself - these are not saying much about the future plots

It seems like a very interesting and original story to me. How can you judge so harshly before the story even starts? It may certainly contain parts that are similar to other stories, but put together they can make for a pretty impressive and a powerful story isnt that right? Saying it is the same as something else and there is plenty of it, is like comparing two people with the same appearance and saying they are exactly the same, which is *pardon* a bullshit, because their behaviour is not. Also there are many many romantical stories and many of them have very similar plots (girl meets a boy and after certain events they end up together - end of the story) - does that mean they are all the same?

Regarding the title, as much as it might be rude or even sexistic, it is a great marketing tool. Although the story is not plainly biased against men, the title clearly says so, but why is that? Why would the author risk being blamed for sexism?* That is, because it's mostly targeted at women (and quite a few men would be intrigued as well right?). Can you feel that "Cheating women must die" would most likely have a negative effect and "Cheating people must die" would not raise any ineterest or curiosity? ("cheaters must die" would sound better, but probably be less effective as well)
Well even if it was a statement i would agree with it though, because it does not apply to FAITHFUL men and women. It is not saying "all men must die" therefore I wouldn't even call it sexistic (but thats a matter of opinion and I wont take that from you, you can think whatever you want)
*(might also be that author's culture doesn't strictly require politicaly correct wording - my country for example doesnt even care)
Then we have the word "cheating" in the title, it does not matter if it is men or women cheating - they must all die or do you think otherwise (storywise anyway)? Have you ever been cheated on? Then you should know the feeling right? So those claiming it is sexistic judging by the title, do you support this kind of behaviour? Do you tolerate "men" (or women) that are cheating on their spouses or partners? Well I will just let you think about that for yourselves ... (but i really think, that seeing "men" and "die" in one sentence is enough for you to actually consider this a sexism, is really dumb - did you miss the cheating part?)
And finally the word "die" gives off a sense of action, one thinks that something interesting will be going on or just thinks about if it's meant literaly or not, the word gives the title a special wibe.
Altogether these make for a perfect marketing title - even people that dont like the story or are somehow biased were made to interact with this piece, now isnt that saying something?

The team has been working hard and put a lot of efforts into bringing this to us and I really appreciate that a lot <3 thank you! Keep up the good work, love you lots
(*lack of proofreaders, pls ignore mistakes*)
May 24, 2019
oh, this kind of reminds me of the goddess creation system actually!
the title aside, the general plot seems to be just taking revenge for the hosts who have been wronged. i'm assuming that means everyone involved 😄
Feb 15, 2018
the synopsis is just too dumb, but I doubt the plot will be as extreme as the synopsis described..
Dec 14, 2018
Thank you for translating this 😄

look at those stupid comment, they didnt even translate anything but give negative comment. sigh
what a cruel world
Double-page supporter
Mar 17, 2018
So, a very specific Jigoku Shoujo with terribly written synopsis?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018
So basically, our heroine jumps from multiple body of different girl to fix their life? Pretty unique
Oct 11, 2018
Thank you for translating this manhua. I appreciate you guys doing out of your busy life. I like it so far.
Active member
May 1, 2018
Ok about the title.

It’s just a case of engrish
The orignal Chinese title actually translates to “The Phoenix of the court of ten thousand scums” or something similar.

Just like how the series “Battle through the Heavens”’s official title was translated to “Fight Break Sphere” Which was a horrible title lmao.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
a quick transmigration manhua? I'm so sold. i love QT novels where quirky F!protags crush the slag manwhores and two faced bitches so finding a QT is godly. Anybody know if there are other QT manhua being translated?

I love me some face slapping.

To all the people ranting and complaining: This sort of story, and indeed this whole genre, basically parodies stereotypical otome-style stories and whatever the chinese equivalent is. QT novels on NovelUpdates tend to be quite popular. Just because this sort of story is not to your taste doesnt mean you gave to go take a dump all over the comments. These sorts of stories arent sexist either. Both slag men as well as white lotus and green tea bitches get equal crushing.
Feb 17, 2019
I really like quick transmigration stories, the translation quality is good as well
Aggregator gang
Dec 11, 2018
I have a hard time reading this, too little explanation for the story
Aug 9, 2018
taking revenge for others?
let's gooooo. Was hesitant to read this cause of the ratings but it's okay. Hope the background story will build up as we goooo.
Jul 6, 2019
I looked through the raws and so far I think this is savage in a good way.

It’s a transmigration story, but it looks like she’ll be hopping through different timelines and posses the bodies of what we would usually deem as the “antagonist”. I don’t know if the supposed “heroine” will always be someone that transmigrated or reincarnated. I do like that the story takes a shift and shows the misdeeds of the heroine and that it’s not just black and white. Also, shows that the male lead ain’t shit either, but in harem styled stories my opinion is always that the ML ain’t shit.

Anyways, I’d continue reading. This was better than watching an episode of Maury and episode of Snapped combined.
Jul 24, 2018
The synopsis is horrible for sure, but the story itself is pretty amusing. I can't wait to find out how the first case is done and for the protagonist to find another woman in need of help.

I'm just curious what does she gain for helping every woman who needs their fate to change? It's like I'm watching a story about God's servant come her way to help people with tragic fate but it's isekai genre, lol.

Edit: I just realised that English title is official translation, it's an improved one even lol xD

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