@Elba more deducted for her? The one who forced a kiss on her with that horrible way and ugly cold face in the next two chapters cause he felt jelaouse of her boyfriend hickey ?! And force another hug in the next previous chapters, with his ugly blushing face?! And then his creepy disrespectful flirts and confessions?! Hah. You are a Bitch and you'll always be. Just accept it, I swear you are a bitch, a bitch who likes and support cheating! Support a guy forcing his way on someone's else GF! Doesn't matter if you dislike the bf, but supporting and enjoying this is so disgusting and pathetic!!! And about that, Naruse and Yuki are together for many reasons, give you one example, Naruse helped Yuki to be more expressive (cause she has a problem in communication and express.) , but with his special way did it. But the creepy haka, what can he do when he as well has that Problem! Agh, Sorry, I can't talk with a girl who likes and find a nosebleed from a guy cute and charming and romantic... Agh, you're so fucking disgusting and gross 🤢🤮 just like him!! A creep! claiming he's better without any reasonable reasons or point, agh!! What an immature bitch you are! Who has a twisid mind that support and enjoy cheating and 2nd leads, I find you guys sooooooooooo pathetic and immature, seriously! Too much!! Haha. You think you're doing something great! Just sooo pathetic!! Shoujo Manga fans are so Toxic, aghhh, I can't! Half defend the 2nd male lead when he forces kisses and hugs and confesses to the girl (ah, he's, just in love, and pure, ah, the lead also did that, So..) In the end he's just their bias and they pathetically justify him no matter what he does! Agh, how immature and disgusting! And half find it exciting, romantic.., seriously!! I'm done... Just sooooo disgusting!! Toxic fans and community!! (Just some) , That's why there are always rivals in Shoujo, cause there are twisted low girls like you who enjoy it!! Aghh, You should feel ashamed!! So disgusting! Bitch!!
And that "you don't have friends- thing" is sooo old and pathetic, stop it, agh! I insulted you cause you deserve insult, just like that. A bitch.
And, your answer to that admin proves your low level, agh, you're a bitch, see! Haha.