Cheeky Brat - Vol. 19 Ch. 108.2

Jan 29, 2019
She heard them... and hes a bit of a bully ya know.

Hope my girl is on the pill.

Also...does anyone notice how long his neck is? Lol
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
Bleg... I really didn't like Naruse's attitude here.

Maybe some people think this scene is sexy. I think it was just manipulation and straight up rape.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@Kirin-kun @xsweetmex Women older than youngish Millennials in the West, and women in general in Japan, grew up in a culture where girls liking sex is kind of bad even though at the same time they know perfectly well that most of them do. As a result, there's a longstanding tendency for erotic play to involve women doing shows of reluctance. Frankly, many women who aren't part of current woke culture just can't get into sex if they're not doing that kind of thing. Think of it as a fetish.
So for those of us older than maybe 30 (and, again, anyone from sexually repressive, male chauvinistic societies to this day), sexual behaviour fitting the way young woke people approach sex could mean we never get laid again because it's a total turn-off to people acculturated the way we are. But since we've got experience with this stuff, we have, like, signals--it's pretty easy to tell what's going on. Your way is probably better, but that's how the culture fucked us up and we're not going to give up sex just to have the kids approve.
Note, I've been married for 24 years; I have some idea whereof I speak.
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
@Purplelibraryguy You're speaking from the point of view of an old white male trying to justify this kind of behavior and saying you are entitled to your aggressive/power sex because you were brought up this way. And that women who grew up in the same setting enjoy it too anyway. And young people criticizing it are maybe right, but to hell with that, because it's your right to have sex the way you want.

I won't go too deep into what I think is wrong with that, but I recommend you to read this article:

It shows that your generation destroyed women desire precisely because you think you're entitled to sex and made it a chore instead of something enjoyable. I don't think that "many women just can't get into sex if they're not doing that kind of thing". It's a lie that even some women believe because of internalized sexism. You and they have been trained from young to feel that way. But no training is unbreakable.

I don't know about your personal life, but I hope you talk sometimes with your wife and honestly make sure she genuinely enjoys whatever you're doing in the bedroom (or elsewhere) and that she doesn't do it out of duty or because she wants to make you happy, at the expense of her own pleasure.

It's never too late to change and fight your social conditioning. If you can't get laid because you refuse to change, then it's your own damn fault, not the fault of the women, who do not owe you sex. I've no sympathy for the so-called "incels" who think women should go back to the way they behaved in the last century, the 'good-old-times".

Note, I've been married for 16 years. I admit I'm sometimes frustrated when I don't get "it" when I want it, but I learned to reflect and try to think from her place and not take her desire for granted. I'm still learning and many things that happened in recent years (#metoo and such) made for some food for thought and I'm trying level up from the "male chauvinist" pattern.

To go back to this chapter, Naruse's behavior exemplifies everything that is wrong in male/female relationships in Japan and elsewhere. That the reader is somehow expected to find this erotic is telling about the extent of the conditioning.
Jan 29, 2019


Welpers, I'm in my 20s, married for 6 years and all and such n such.

So I'm hoping I'm not someone who is classed as 'elderly' with my type of thinking

My point is, within this whole manga he has been portrayed as a cute puppy with eyes only for his senpai and does not want her to be hurt or feel sad in anyway and wants to only love her and treat her like a queen.

In this chapter I see a boy, who doesnt care about how his "beloved" feels or if she would like to have sex.

I see a brat who shoves it in and I dont see pleasure from her I see pain and having to reassure this lil git of his masculinity and place in her heart.

So, in short I rather the other chapters where it starts with an all round consent and wanting to go further from both parties, not one who is clearly overwhelming.

Even the other chapter wasnt bad, she clearly gave him the green flag with the swimsuit and fan service. This chapter... not so much.
Jan 24, 2018
If she didn't want to, she would have said no like she did MANY times before. It wasn't rape. WTF
Dec 30, 2019
@kusanagi I know!! I can't believe these bad comments on that! Can't believe they reached the point of saying it's rape! Wtf! Some Ppl really ruin everything fun!! It's clear that she wanted and enjoyed it but this is just her personality! And at the end we saw that! Where did she feel pain or such?! Ppl are surely dramatic, sick and hateful!! No matter what Naruse does (mostly in sex) he'll be criticized! Agh!
Dec 30, 2019
@Kirin-Kun @xsweetmex
Please be a bit sensitive in your comments and words. Maybe you don't like him (or even hate him, that's what I get from your words about him, really sad for that.. sigh) or don't mind, but I do. You see, Naruse is not a bad guy. don't say masculine and such .. Naruse isn't like that... And you said he treats her like a queen, yes.., I'm sure if he didn't see that she enjoyed too or that she's bothered, he'd have stopped, like how he did many times before. I got what you're coming from but please don't say rape.. agh, I just can't. He waited for her for a year and even won't kiss her if she said no (like Hawaii) , he's not that monster you described in your comments guys please.., such horrible words and point you put there. Sorry but it is.
Plus those are just extra chapters, like not really related (to their characters development, as you mentioned guys.) So Miyuki Sensei goes all the way. Again I got your point but this is too much. In the end we see Yuki peaceful. (her expression) , So please.
@Purplelibraryguy please stop talking to them, the more you talk the more they get excited to prove their point that doesn't exist here at all and was never Naruse's intention.

Naruse never had those bad intentions or ideas you all guys are talking about here. Seriously.... Sigh.
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
@lunnaa @kusanagi She said she didn't like it. Later, she asks him to stop. But he just forces his way in and guilt trips her into being heard. I call that rape, sorry.

Of course, you can't ask a manga character if they really consented. And there's no actual rape. A drawing of a rape is not a rape. And I also know it's a classic of shoujo, or more often josei, manga to have a domineering male forcing himself on a reluctant, at first, woman who finally enjoys it. But this is exactly the kind of trope that ruins it for me.

I don't "hate" Naruse. Overall, he comes across as a nice guy very much in love with her. But the author wrote him a little too immature and manipulative for me to enjoy this manga. Were it real life persons, I'd advice sempai to dump that guy, because he's possessive and manipulative. But in a manga, I guess some people think he's cool.

And I'm done explaining why that scene makes me uncomfortable. If you liked it, good for you.
Jan 29, 2019
Well then, in all of this discussion I guess no body noticed how long his neck was 🀣
Dec 30, 2019
Naruse and Yuki are so sweet and precious 😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜Š Always love them ❀️
Thank you for translating and uploading this/those extras. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’•
Dec 30, 2019
@Kirin-Kun Really wasn't going to answer you anymore. But, Haha, Sorry but i pity you for the way you think/thought it here. You understand everything in a negative way, hah. After reading the Chapter now (cause I already saw it in July when it released in Japan and got some translation.) I confirmed how wrong your point (you two) is. Haha, did you really give me that page when she said she doesn't like it!? It's so clear that it's not the truth (she's just Yuki.)
And he didn't make her feel guilty, he was serious (Naruse isn't that kind of guys) , You understand everything negatively, seriously. Hah. And, she actually got excited from the beginning when he took of his shirt (got flustered and keep saying the temperature is rising.)
And he clearly knows she likes it (as i said before) , By saying she just doesn't admit it. You know, you just want to understand it like that cause it makes you feel ok for some reasons. Ok, do as you want. But I swear there's nothing wrong here, at least not that bad as you put it guys.

The way you said it makes anyone think it's really a horrible sex moment but after reading you'd be like seriously! Where is it! Haha, I advice you to quit your excitement and wild gender reaction. Cause I swear none of the points and theories you said exist here (or Naruse did it.) Sorry, but it reached the point of patheticness, haha, Seriously.

And Naruse isn't a possessive (Ex, He trusted Yuki when he learnt that she got kissed by the jerk haka.) And MANIPULATIVE BF, haha, seriously, can't believe. Told her to dump him! Haha. I'm done with the level.

I'm a girl who has a pride and respect to myself, but there is no wrong here, not at all what you pointed, God, hah. You just want to think and believe this.
Everything understood based on one situations and circumstances and that's what I'm seeing from you two way of thinking here, haha, kinda talking about something else that stress you here. Haha.
Feb 7, 2020
This is why we can't always have good things bc there will always be ppl who're negative/ oversensitive about everything. πŸ˜’ Naruse WOULD NEVER force Yuki to do stuff she truly hates.. and as if Yuki is the type of girl who would let herself be pushed around. πŸ™„

There were many situations where Naruse held himself back (e.g. during group road trip, at night when Yuki said how she had been selfishly wanting to be with him alone, Naruse got so flustered bc he was suprised Yuki was becoming more honest with her feelings while he became coward because he scared Yuki would leave him if he got TOO GREEDY i.e. if he's too touchy touchy).

Remember in the bath when Naruse told Yuki "BE ANGRY YOU IDIOT" because Yuki didn't mind all his touches but he stopped when he noticed Yuki was forcing herself back then.

They only had their very first time after dating for like 2 years.. For a guy like Naruse who loves skinship a lot, if he were to violate Yuki he would have done it long ago. πŸ₯΄ BUT NO, Naruse is really a very sweet guy, a gentleman who sincerely, genuinely LOVES AND RESPECTS YUKI SO MUCH. πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί (Really, I have repeated this manga countless time and I fell harder for Naruse each time bc of his qualities). πŸ’•
Ppl might think he dgaf abt everything but the truth is he's a serious guy, like how he apologized to his childhood friend who had a crush on him, or the way he takes care of the lost kid etc. He may appear ignorant to his basketball mates but that was in a playful way, they all never take him seriously also. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Back to Yuki, since the beginning till now, Naruse had always paid attention to every little detail about Yuki, always there for her, respects her decisions, gives her space , told her she doesn't have to tell him everything and when she burns herself out, he will go out of his way to catch her first etc, Naruse may dislike Shizuka being around but he never told her not to interact with him and all that). Yuki herself also said how Naruse had always waited for her regardless of how he felt, how he's the one always picking up the pieces for their relationship. πŸ’œ
Yuki knows best Naruse is the one who's putting so much effort in their relationship. (ugh I keep adding bc I have so many things to talk.. but I'll stop it's getting too long.. πŸ˜‚)

Anywayyy, I was so happy when author give us these rare 'hot chapters'.. bc honestly, I NEED MORE OF THESE. I don't care if ppl are just gonna be anal abt it, bc true fans know Naruse is nowhere near rude, possessive, obnoxious like others claim. πŸ™‚ Honestly, if Yuki felt uncomfortable doing with Naruse, knowing how she is, she would straight up say NO lol. All this happened only bc she LOWKEY LOVES IT.. and Naruse KNOWS THAT. They may not be perfect but overall I do think they're in a healthy relationship.

Srsly.. πŸ˜’πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜‚

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