Chi no Wadachi - Vol. 8 Ch. 67 - Murderers

Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
makes you wonder
was it really a cat that he saw?
or was he made to kill a kid? a real person? or was he made to kill a cat, truly? i suppose that's plenty traumatic, but still
makes you wonder
Mar 5, 2020
This is pretty classic serial manipulation. Sure, Seiko is as nutty as them come, but she is clearly setting Seiichi up to a massive pivot: either he takes care of the situation so they can live happily ever after, or she will cause him to absorb the blame entirely. By saying "I want to have a way out of it all", she means that literally: she wants out of the current situation, out of the marriage and family she's shackled with, and there's only room for Sei if he can continue to devote everything he has to her; she likely feels like he 'owes' it to her. On the other hand, she would probably be just as content being legally taken away--at least she wouldn't have to tolerate her messed up family life anymore. I wonder if Seiichi was an unplanned pregnancy, if Seiko's marriage only happened because of it.
Nov 8, 2020
This manga is so fucked up, Seiko keeps emotionally tearing up Seiichi's reality and putting it back together to suit her. The real scary part about this manga that I can actually image sociopaths doing this to real people. And the faces, oh the faces terrify me in a way I didn't know was possible. Anyway time to read the next chapter.

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