Chibikko Kenja, Lv. 1 Kara Isekaide Ganbarimasu! - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Why am I so smaaaall !!?

Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
If she ends up being OP as fuck because she’s lv1 with lv100 abilities, the only thing that’s going to be good about this series is going to be the art.

Getting thrown into your favorite MMO setting with max stats and no goal is pretty boring. The side characters all seem to be very flat and one note, for now. A series with no real goal or substance has to be carried by the strength of its banter or simple comedy.

But hey, at least it’s cute, riiiiiiight? /s. Honestly, it feels like people will eat anything up if there’s a pretty face on the cover. Kind of like how you don’t see music bands with ugly~average looking people anymore. Everyone has to look the part. She looks cute and genuinely acts cute, but if she’s going to pretend to be a kid I’m going to be revolted.

Edit: I have just noticed the web novel raws. I’m going to give this a serious read later. Maybe a little more clarification or world building will make this more palatable.
Aggregator gang
Dec 20, 2018
When someone got the master title and starts with 100 in each skill.....
I wonder how "weak" she truly is XD
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@Talismaster If it were tedious skills to level. starting at max level in those wouldn't be bad at all. If it were Runescape, I'd love to start will maxed mining smithing crafting and prayer because prayer made you really strong and trades made you rich. Fighting and other things were fun to do in the game along with being a merchant and hanging out

hope 3 is translated soon. this manga looks like it could be cute and funny
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@Aretheus Relating and self inserting are not exactly the same. They get the person interested similarly but they do indeed have distinct differences. For those who feel useless you could argue that yes, accidental superpowers makes them feel good because they are now special and worthwhile. For those that like "drama" the simple reactions of those around can be amusing and enjoyable no matter how much its done.

Going to the Isekai prince rainbow it wasn't impressive for him as some struggle. It was the shock of the others dealing with this confusing entity that is the MC. The whole point after all was that it was not impressive for him to make one, but its inconceivable for them to do it. Its like if you had a friend who casually stopped a truck from crushing someone. The friend could do it easily but you watching would find it absurd. The scene would not be focused on the friend unless they had reasons for not showing said power or were unaware. The prince was not even aware of the absurd thing he did so that added to the scenes comedic value and fun.

Lets look at all this from a real world example. I used to laugh at people getting hit by balls, usually in the balls or falling from things after being stupid. You know, every montage of idiots you ever saw on the internet or that old clip show thing. "america's funniest home video's" i think its called. However one day it was mentioned to me by my father that he does not find peoples pain funny. That this is just laughing at peoples pain. He made no judgement on me for laughing but i understood immediately what he meant. It stopped being funny right at that moment. I looked back at the screen and no longer saw humor because what i saw had changed.

Our point of view is colored. We see what we see because of who we are. One person see's a boring story because what they consider exciting or fun is not there. One person see's a fun story because what they consider fun is there. I can't even give shows like the Punisher a proper review because to me, its dull. I don't watch or consume or enjoy things without fantastical elements because what i desire is something more than the norm. Sometimes its enough to have an unusual situation or a clever character because that too is more than normal. Watching shows based on mundane things or everyday life however is dull because if i wanted this i could just go live life. I have enough of social politics or political maneuvering in my own life, enough of all the things they value in those shows. If you were to equate this with porn/smut i likewise have no interest in normal vanilla love stories in any form. If i wanted that i could literally just go experience it in real life. I am not someone who has trouble forming relationships or "getting laid" i simply do not find it interesting for its own sake. If your going to be vanilla you need feelings to make it special. "True love" is of course unusual and would be worth a mention but normal life stuff with people dating and having one night stands..meh.

There are no doubt a million masterpiece stories out there that i just have no interest in and could not enjoy because thats not what i need from a story to fill the void.

This means we judge things differently too. I judge this MC as fine because i don't care what they are. The MC does not need to be anything just like the story does not need to be anything. There is no MC metric that isn't highly flawed in its assumptions of what you want from the story. If you want to appeal to people there are designs to make it appeal but that does not mean those designs are what make a good story. Good is after all very subjective.

You put a homophobe in front of the greatest gay lovestory ever written, nay the greatest lovestory ever written. They may dismiss it or rage at it because gay ignoring the rest of the story and being completely unable to even comprehend its qualities because they themselves do not accept them as qualities.

I mean look at all these comments where people are talking about her powers making the story boring, you find them in many sections for isekai for good reason. However power does not make a story boring unless the focus is such that it does. The truth of a good Superman story is that its not really about whether Superman can defeat the bad guy, same with Hulk. So going into the theater looking for an epic struggle between superman and a bad guy, on Superman's terms, is going to lead to a bad outcome. You will either get what you want and be mildly happy at a movie where a guy with overwhelming power faces a guy with even more overwhelming power, usually ending when the plot decides one wins, or you get a movie where superman is completely untouchable as far as his powers are concerned but actually revolves around other struggles. The best Superman stories have never been about him beating up bad guys, they are about the internal conflicts and ideals that come with the life he has chosen and his own inherent qualities as himself.

Fights in stories are supposed to portray something else in the first place. Its not about who can beat up who, its about the reasons they fight, the way they handle themselves and the whole thing being summed up in punches so that the audience can comprehend and enjoy it in a different way. The talk no Jutsu became a thing for a reason. When you fight someone and it truly matters beyond being a plot device the whole thing comes down to stuff you could solve with words. Usually fights happen because the words cannot reach them without breaking through their out shell. I mean its kinda like the joke about horny people masturbating before dates. When you have all that stuff in your head you can't focus on anything else. If we could all converse and understand each other clearly there would almost never be need for war or true conflict.

Anyway im rambling now but the point hasn't changed that you are simply looking at thing as if they are different thing and judging them for not being good as those things. Its the fish being bad at climbing thing. You don't judge a fish for how well it can climb a tree. This story is a fish. You have made it clear your not fond of fish and don't understand people who like fish.

Talk of the MC being remembered shows how different your view of what this story is, is. In an Isekai the MC can take a backseat to the events and world and companions for a very long time, sometimes forever. They are a tool being used to show us a story rather than the center of the story.

Explaining personal preference is just not going to happen. I mean why do i like guys? Girls? Traps? etc. The list goes on and the point is that i do. I like cardgames and character creation rpgs with open worlds. Its what i like. I could ask why people like the Kardashians and i have in the past. It took so much comprehension of the world and people, psychology and more that i can say without a doubt that explaining it in this comment section is not happening. If its truly so alien its going to take years of understanding the inner workings of people and developing your own empathy and introspective abilities before you can truly understand why people like what they like. This is what people study around the world, its not so simple that it can be properly explained in over the internet in a day. I mean even though i can understand it myself explaining it is not at all the same thing. If it was i wouldn't be so messy with these responses.

This has tired me out.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
True. But what’s the point of playing a game when your stats are just handed to you? IMO the best parts of an mmo or rpg are when you’re a noob desperate for any gear at all, or you hit that stage or threshold where you start to learn your first kit of genuinely good skills. That point when you’re trying to rush to yew, or desperate for a new axe...

Also, the whole “a chose a “””””””””””useless””””””””””” development/creation class for income and became OP is getting boring for me. It was novel in OSO and VRMMO Ossan, but it’s so poorly overused now, since all games are more or less the same way about it all, so too the generic stories about them. The’re gonna get rich quick by making op items, strong fast by making some stat buffing item, or both.

I now crave something normal not by video game mechanics, but by reality’s standards. Like, don’t just say you got sent to another world, give me what the Japanese people would consider chuunibyou too. Learn how to read write and speak. Learn to use magic, a completely alien force to our world, from square one. Don’t just say “I’m in the real version of my game! Better use game mechanics to zoom past everything!” I want a story that tries to be an actual story, not some sketchy drug dealer that walks up to me, acting all, “Hey, dude! You like isekai? I got your isekai right here man. Quality stuff. Cheat skill, loli, good art, the works. None of that chuunibyou pure fantasy or high school battle harem crap, just good ol video game epeen wanking to a bunch of easily impressed npcs... you know you want it man.”

That aside the web novel reads like an easily impressed child talking to the audience, and the side characters are the laugh track, only existing to be the stereotypes they were based on. Not too far in yet, but the feeling is unbearable, like I’m trapped in a tutorial mode I don’t want to be in.
Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
@Merilirem I'm just going to say that you definitely didn't need the word count of a Zero Punctuation video to get that across.
Relating and self inserting are not exactly the same.
No clue where I implied that they are.
Going to the Isekai prince rainbow it wasn't impressive for him as some struggle. It was the shock of the others dealing with this confusing entity that is the MC.
That's just a contrived reason to suck off the protag. Does it never rain in that world? How is it ever conceivable that anybody could be impressed by that? It makes me feel like if I was praised by a kindergarten teacher for fingerpainting. Stopping a truck with my bare hands would be impressive, but anybody in that room could have made a rainbow with a glass of water. If it was supposed to be sarcastic, then I could get the joke, but the author actually wants me to be impressed, and it makes me want to puke.
One person see's a boring story because what they consider exciting or fun is not there.
I don't need every genre of media to be tailored to me. I don't like sci-fi 95% of the time. I don't know why. That shit just makes me fall asleep every time. But when I listen to people explaining what they like about sci-fi, I feel them. I can understand the appeal there. My issue with how popular D-tier isekai is is that S-tier isekai has all of the same qualities, but they have important story-telling qualities on top of that. Thought-provoking themes, Magic systems that are fully established and coherent, antagonists that have 3-dimensional motivations, etc. If you really tell me that these things aren't important to you, then I'll go off myself right now.
I judge this MC as fine because i don't care what they are. The MC does not need to be anything just like the story does not need to be anything.
There's that old writing adage "Is this is most interesting point in this character's life, and if not, why are you showing us that?" I'd like to expand on that a little with an adage of my own. "Is this the most interesting character in this story, and if not, why aren't you showing us that?" If you're going to accept that this protag is a piece of cardboard, why not just make someone more interesting the main character who watches the isekai person? You've established that we aren't getting much out of our real MC, so what's the point of following them?
Hell, let's follow the logical conclusion of that. This manga in particular is 100% derivative. There is not a single factor of it that is unique or original in any way. Now, if you say that you'd be satisfied with that, then why wouldn't you just read your favorite isekai manga over and over? They are all the same predictable story anyway.
You put a homophobe in front of the greatest gay lovestory ever written, nay the greatest lovestory ever written.
I don't think that's true. Maybe a homophobe will drop it too fast. But if a homophobe fully read the greatest gay love story ever, they will appreciate the quality of the writing even if they don't resonate with the core theme of the story. If it doesn't do that much, it has no claim to the title of greatest gay love story ever.
I mean look at all these comments where people are talking about her powers making the story boring, you find them in many sections for isekai for good reason. However power does not make a story boring unless the focus is such that it does.
No person ever has said that the MC being strong is inherently boring. What matters is whether the MC deserves the power that they get. People with dreams, people with convictions, and people with something to prove are the people that deserve the power tha they get. When Death March dude accidentally genocides a society of lizard people then gets everything in the entire universe, they have not worked at all for their power. So when the people around him are impressed by his power, it feels so pathetic.
Fights in stories are supposed to portray something else in the first place. Its not about who can beat up who, its about the reasons they fight
Well would you look at that. Something I can agree with. Unfortunately, what I can't agree with is that d-tier isekai actually follows that principle. Half of the time, they just go along with whatever the people around them say like nepotistic fucks. And the rest of the time, they're hypocrits fighting dastardly villains while they're twice as evil themselves. What reason could any fight have when there's no goal in mind. I'm on an adventure to nowhere in particular and you're in my way. Wow, I'm pissing myself in excitement.
Its the fish being bad at climbing thing. You don't judge a fish for how well it can climb a tree.
I'd be even more sad than I already am if you really tell me that "My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending" is a completely different animal family from most isekai novels. They are the exact same species, but one has a birth defect that halves its swimming speed.
Talk of the MC being remembered shows how different your view of what this story is, is. In an Isekai the MC can take a backseat to the events and world and companions for a very long time, sometimes forever.
No, it really can't. The protagonist is supposed to be our lens into the story. If our lens is a shovel with a marker face drawn on it, then it's like watching Niagara Falls with binoculars smeared in mud. They are a through-line that every relevant plot point is supposed to revolve around. If that character is boring, the plot around them will be consequently boring.
Explaining personal preference is just not going to happen.
That's a load of crap. I could take every anime/manga/novel/TV show/Movie/YouTuber/song that I've ever loved/hated and extract precisely the elements of them that draw me to, or repel me from, them. My favorite light novel is Three Days of Happiness. With that said, I will never expect everyone to love it like I do. It's miserable 75% of the time, but he's self-reflective, he has dreams and flaws, and he has a beautiful arc towards the best final sentence in any media ever. I don't ever look at shit and think "I liked that, but I don't know why."
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@Aretheus Ok the chopping thing almost never works. I know my comment ended up pretty long, it just happens, but if your going to chop you need to keep the part that matters. I don't have the energy to continue this and its become pretty apparent that you don't understand me on a pretty major level. Likewise all ive gathered is basically that dissagree and we are having communication issues.

Ill point out a couple examples but no giant word wall this time.

The last part about explaining personal preference. You read that as what you like in a story while i mean't that as why you like. You didn't really get the context on that one it seems. Explaining personal preference was explaining the reason behind that, which is what your actually looking for. Your looking for WHY we like things not what we like. You already see the story and we have told you the elements. You simply don't get why we would like something like this for qualities you have deemed boring. This isn't a dig at you, just the fact that these boring things are things that readers enjoy. To explain further goes into the reason they are enjoyed, which is what i can't explain.

On the matter of fights you misunderstand me a bit. I never said this story, since this story has yet to happen. I have no other story to compare it to since i don't know how its going to pan out yet. Obviously any story can be bad or pointless. Also if they are hypocrites that in itself is a thing. Unintentional or not you can't write that out of a story if its in the story. If you want to watch someone be a huge hypocrite while never being called on it, there is a story for you. Some people do actually like that because of obvious reasons. Power fantasy stuff ya know?

RAINBOW. This is just ridiculous on your part tbh. You are completely ignoring why its shocking or impressive. Its not a tiny rainbow its a nation wide visible arc of light in the sky. True the setting could have fleshed it out previously as to its cultural significance but still this isn't someone with a hose. I can stop a toy car. I could stop an actual car the size of a toy car. Is that the same as stopping a full size car?

Death March...your complaining about him "deserving the power"? That literally does not matter. Again your misunderstanding what is being taken from the story by people. Your not supposed to be looking at him with the eyes of someone looking at something praiseworthy for an achievement. He is just really really strong. Its a curious element of the story that moves it about. Its grease on the wheels of a story which would otherwise have ground to a halt and diverted course while he gains power.

The homophobe thing is subjective but my point was that they won't really read it. They will read it while their mind filters and obscures the whole thing rose tinted glasses style. The greatest lovestory ever written still has to be properly read. I mean just look at how badly we are failing this current dialogue. A homophobe would likely reply like you do to me, with a bunch of stuff that misses the mark.

Anyway i seem to have started again so let me just stop before this gets serious. Sorry its a little out of order i really only intended to write like a paragraph worth in total. Long story short, we have a long way to go to actually understand each other even as far as what we actually mean. If we were in person it would be the type of conversation where each party constantly cuts the other off when they start talking because "thats not what was mean't" or "I didn't say that".
Double-page supporter
Oct 3, 2018
I really dislike in stories when the MC is treated like a child. I get that she looks like one. But I feel like most adults wouldn't be that willing to be treated like one. I was kind of hoping for her to use some type of magic and lock the people in place for some time while she runs out.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
But Japan's an empire, allowed to keep their emperor... wow, this comment section.
Mar 10, 2019
Surprised they didn't question her intelligence with the way she was acting. Or maybe i just have read too many chinese novels lately, where question such actions is commonplace (although they are very harsh with their words).
Active member
Dec 31, 2020
wow a mc that cries and gets stressed for being in another world
thats new

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