Chotto Ippai! - Vol. 5 Ch. 35 - A recurring feeling

Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
Extremely cute chapter, never expected to see the manager dropping her spaguetti like that. Satsuki x Mizuki is my new OTP.
Ending the volume with a flashback about to start is way too painful. The wait for volume 6 is gonna be unbearable thanks to this on top of already being so after being spoiled by these speedy releases lately.
Thank you so much for your hard and fast and specially high quality work.
Jun 21, 2018
I went back to the first chapter to the page where Momiji and Satsuki first meet. There seems to be a faint glimmer of recognition in her face. Would also explain why she took a chance on Momiji when they needed help the most.
Mar 26, 2018
Can't wait for next chapter. I hope this revelation doesn't mean this manga is nearing the end. Anyone know how many chapters there are currently?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
I had a feeling when some random girl showed up after their new hire quit and she still let them in that she knew something. Even if you're desperate, you don't do that since a novice in a kitchen can just make a bad situation even worse.
...What's a bit odd, however, is that Miyahara didn't seem to recognize her ever despite us having art from the mangaka which shows Satsuki the manager from high school and she still looks a lot like her current self. I mean, sure, she was young, but those times at the izakaya were formative and important memories to her.
Group Leader
Dec 18, 2018
@donm527 As of now there's 37 chapters. The magazine it comes from, MTK forward, releases on the 24th of each month. It doesn't seem like it's near the end though, looks like there's more of a story to tell. I'm working on C36 atm, it's really interesting. I think you'd guys would enjoy it too.
Mar 26, 2018

Thanks for the info and thanks for all you do. Love the series. Gotta love a cute story with good friends like this one (and others like Takagi-san) and such with always happy feels to balance out the other mangas I read.
Apr 4, 2019
Tysm for the scanlation, it's superb as always.

@definitionofinsanity I actually think that that's understandable, I myself have met many older people that I used to hang out for years in my adolescence. And meeting them today they reflect on all the times when I was a little brat scurrying around while I can't recognize them at all; then again, I might just be terrible with faces.

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