The story was fun. I found the "humanity" stuff to be interesting, if a message I've already seen before in grand opera like this (look to Mahoromantic or Brynhildr in the Darkness for two examples). This story contributer with a positive outlook, namely that the American commander eventually turned his guns on the aliens, realizing sacrificing Mana was not worth it for a chance at survival which probably didn't exist anyways. It showed progress from the flashback.
The plot was too childish. Every few chapters another villain would throw themselves at Makoto and Mana only to be swooned by his love. If anything the initial premise of a short guy who gets rejected over and over was discarded before the first chapter even closed. Scenes where Makotot smiled while defending frankly stupid positions made me cringe. Its something uniquely about his smile too, I didn't get the same feelings of cringe from stories such as Gankon, which have similarly naive MC's. He lacked any good backing, such as from a backstory, to justify his rationales. Mana though was better. Her naivety made sense given the decade she had spent under complete government control, isolated from other people. The other characters were fine.
The pace was good until the last couple of chapters. I enjoyed Senri's death because it completed his character arc, although coming back to life was a mild dissapointment. More serious is Mana's return to Earth. I was really hoping for Mana to end as a normal-sized girl that could live her life with Makoto. Even without powers she would have more agency over her life than ever before, being allowed to live without constant intrigues against her. Instead, she had a faux-death and then amnesia. What a frustrating ending. Although in that regard the frustration was at least consistent with the rest of the story.
I wanted to give this a great rating. It had teens basically fighting for the Earrh with god-like powers while they also live lives as teens. What a great story this can be and I have seen other authors pull it off. Sadly Azuma Takeshi did not. In fact thinking back the story was frustrating enough for me to forget the poor harem ending where none of the other girls swooning for the MC move on. Heck one of them was crying by the end only to appear in a small frame all haply as if nothing happened. No! Something happened, don't brush off her rejection! Ai, this review was too long, apologies if I came off as too harsh.
I agree
(Made a account just to reply )
(Just finished my first read through)
(I’m about to vent so this is just gonna be a bunch of word vomit)
(Sorry for spelling mistakes)
When started this series I thought it was going to be about her trying to live a semi normal life with the help of Tobita (IE Komi can’t communicate style) trying to make friends while fighting monsters.
that way all the moments were they talk about her just being a normal girl would hit so much harder cuz we would see why no need for all this complicated stuff about the us government and (The power of D’s) this series I say with my heart of doesn’t need all that stuff it’s a simple premise perfect for a simple story
This ending left feeling a lot of things to sit and think about mainly disappointment.
And as Mothers basement once said “anyone can make a bad anime but it takes a lot of work and quite a bit of skill just shy of enough to make one this consistently sustainably disappointing, disappointment requires expectations and emotional investment you gotta make people want to see what happens next before you can give him the old Tokyo Ghoul and after”
I really and I mean really liked its first volume and it’s supporting cast was entertaining so I had high hopes for this and Tobias conclusion with his sister is definitely a highlight, but when Senri first appeared and I was really hoping they weren’t going to make this romance trope a habit only to do it 2 more times and not do any of them better but actually worst Amarican spy lady (yes I forgot her name I’m guessing Isaac but idk) was a pretty interesting character, but the last lady (not even going to try and remember her name) just appeared OUT OF NOWHERE, granted is series dose like being extremely subtle so I don’t put it out of the question there is just something I didn’t notice but still she does why to many things wayyyyy to fast that I’m not even to t listing them down, you can really tell the author is just trying to rap things up with no care what so ever witch really saddens me cuz I get this was never popular but …. Come on
I couldn’t help but feel Tobita was severely screwing Mana over with every single time he actively chose to go on pretty much a date with another girl, I just stare at the screen blank faced like “YOUR IN A RELATIONSHIP AT LEAST GET YOUR PARTNER PERMISSION FIRST” I can cut him some slack after it is entirely possible for him to really be that dense after women aren’t usually into him so it’s definitely not a character assassination
Speaking of Mana
one would assume she would have more stuff about her with the series being named after her and all but no let’s do butte pageant were we introduce a character who will literally never show up again who cares about developing your Heroin’s child hood let’s talk about Tobita’s child hood AGAIN
granted you could argue both those do give her some character development but we could have still gotten both of those same plot beats from doing something with those government people and even more on top of that i just feel like Tobita is doing way more stuff to do then she ever does it seems like her only purpose is to hit an enemy and then disappear only occasionally have major brake throws she, feels like a side character with how every thing is because of her NEVER involves her it’s always Tobita who gets to be targeted if wanted to read about normal persons life id start writing in a diary.
I’m sorry if that was bit harsh and I can get the the authors intention of giving Tobita as much screen time as he does after all it wouldn’t be enjoyable if is ever over shadowed (pun not intended) but hears a solution just make them both get targeted just as often, )you could say how the heck is anyone supposed to kidnapp a girl that big to that I say jerasic park has tranks to can put a T. rex to sleep so suspend your disbelief)
The entire US Government plot actually hurts the series
every dame time they appear they just feel like there hear to cose nothing but problems and are only hear to the make the world feel this is a global crisis, if that’s the case then what about all the other countries huh what they doing I could just assume that even don’t have to deal with this or have their own solution,
We’re almost done I swear
Tobita falt useless compared to his YOUNGER sister
I was wondering wen he would do stuff like that because the hole being a 3 minute power up just sounded like a disaster waiting to happen after all thay talk so much and protecting each other so wen is he going to that in more tangible sense after all he supposed to have a power full soul, and what was the reason behind his hair is it because of important event and I thought it’s because of the BAER ATTACK he had protecting his sister,
Speaking of the BAER ATTACK how in the bloody hell the a child not get any kind of nasty scars from it could have added a massive layer to his character stories love having scars be a way for that character to be some kind of social outcast witch could have brought both him and Mana closer together with something in common.
I am very sorry for this being so long
Leaves much to be desired