Chuusotsu Worker kara Hajimeru Koukou Seikatsu - Vol. 4 Ch. 14 - Cultural festival (Preparation 1)

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 11, 2018
the story is not bad but this will have so much drama my heart will explode i can imagine that his father will come and rape his girlfriend hahaha i have paranoia
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
ahhh the "I always loved the MC but I waa too much of a pussy to act on it until he finally got a gf" troupe...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
Oof felt bad for the girl even though I don’t want her causing no love drama, but pretty sure she’ll come back as an irritated butch or something idk
Either way MILF is still favorite
Active member
Jan 24, 2018
Even though I felt a tinge of sympathy for the new girl when he all but told her to "fuck off", that quickly faded as I realized what she's (trying) to do here.

The author seems to be implying that he was her only genuine friend, yet at the same time she doesn't really seem to care about him. Despite seeking him out, she wants him to notice her, and ignore his family, friends, and girlfriend to shower her with affection and attention. If she was really willing to be reciprocal and act in good faith, she would have waited for an opportunity to approach him alone, without flippantly bringing up sensitive personal matters (his father), and been honest about her feelings and intentions. But instead, she goes charging-in full of selfishness and entitlement, which shows me that she values him as an emotional crutch more so than a person (if she even really cares about him at all). And unfortunately for her, he subconsciously picks-up on and is repulsed by it.

It really is a shame. The panel where it flashes back to her in middle-school, sitting there alone and crying, while her present self yearns to be noticed, tugs at the heartstrings.

Still, it doesn't justify her shitty behavior, nor make his harsh words any less undeserved.

*sigh* I need some fluff now...
Jan 18, 2018
@8mnifarious Yes she was a bitch with her approach towards him, but that doesn't mean he has to reach the same low as her and be a jerk, all the yelling and the agression was uncalled for,once a jerk always a jerk i guess.
Active member
Jan 24, 2018

MC is no saint; you won't catch me trying to argue anything of that sort. He's been selfish, nasty, and shown to be flawed in a number of ways. That said, I think it has also been thoroughly demonstrated that under his grumpy bear exterior, he is at his core a genuinely good person trying to hold it together. Recall some of the stuff he's been through. Despite just turning eighteen, he's been working for years to make ends meet for himself and his younger sister (as they have no parents to rely on or family willing to take them in), while trying to finish school to make something of his life, and putting himself out there to make friends (despite being mistreated in both the past and present, and admittedly with plenty of pushing from his sister and newfound friends). For every time he has lashed out in frustration (something normal for a teenager/people in general to do), there are just as many if not more instances of him putting himself in dangerous situations or going out of his way to help others (even saving a man's life at one point). The guy has been through a lot, and he has no obligation to spare her feelings when she barges into his life out of nowhere, disrupting the fragile peace and sense of belonging that he has managed to obtain after a lot of hardship; ESPECIALLY when she has no qualms about home-wrecking.

Perhaps the new girl is capable of some introspection and improvement like many of the other characters have demonstrated so far. Her reaction after getting rejected indicates that's still a ways off though...if it happens at all. I'll hold out hope that it ends well. This author loves his drama after all.

It makes me wish we could get JUST ONE lighthearted chapter without any drama or angst for a change, but that seems like it isn't going to happen until the end at this rate.
Jan 28, 2018

I have to disagree with you. As I understand your argument, you're saying that she's a girl, and therefore the MC should be polite/nice to her for no other reason. However, the way you think this MC should act is exactly how every other worthless harem MC with no balls acts, the kind of behavior the rest of us all complain about in other series, and leads to 100-chapter manga full of cheap cliches, misunderstandings, and no character development.

Is this MC acting like a jerk? Yes, just like every actual person can act like a jerk when their lives are disrupted due to the selfishness of others. The way she was acting was uncalled for, not the way he reacted.

She's just some random girl from his past, who knows nothing about his current life. She comes into the situation, knowing that he's dating the other girl, and intentionally stirs up trouble. She throws herself on him, in front of the most important people in his life, who she doesn't know at all, and expects him to drop everything and go along with her delusional fantasies. When things don't go as she imagined, she brings up an incredibly personal and painful aspect of his past that has the potential to socially ostracize him. She very well could have ruined everything he worked to build for himself since she last saw him, for no reason other than her one-sided desire for him to fawn over. How else can we reasonably expect him to react?
Jan 18, 2018

I don't saying that because she's a girl, the way he reacts towards everything is violence and yelling , i could find it ok in a fighting shonen manga but i can't on what is supposed to be a manga about modern school life, he has been through though shit yes, but everyone else in that manga does too, he can be mad and tell her to fuck off and never come back again i never said he shouldn't but not in that way, he is just showing that he is not growing up at all , he still being a jerk and the goods things he do keeps getting overshadowed by all of his insecurities and awful behavior, you don't need to show your balls by acting like an angry gorrilla or a 12 y.o kid, that's all i'm saying,.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2018
No it has the 'drama' tag gtfo if you don't like it (but no really I'm getting sick of it as well... new thot that appeared didn't need to appear but we got it...) Go read **Asebi and Adventurers of Sky World
** for the good stuff <3
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2018
@seekermoc @Slayn
Either way you both should be able to agree he has anger management problems.... It's clear that he does from the early chapters and current (There are situations where he didn't have to yell at the other party but talk it out calmly instead)

EDIT: Just wanna say he kind of reminds me of MC from **The Girl from Random Chatting!** Right?

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