Give a thought to poor
@Martingatica56 for that double color opening page - every single bit of English text you see there was CLRD then TSed by him to look like the original pages.
Some minor TL notes:
- If you go back and look at the opening pages for CITY chapter 1, you can see that this revival opens almost exactly the same way, but with a tanuki instead of a bird. And then the exact same spread of the buildings, except with more characters from later in the series.
- That magazine Niikura's reading on the next page has text way too tiny to bother with, but that guy's the self-destructing magician Korekiyo Bodhisattva from when Nagumo was trapped in Tanabe's tower and then later.
- What Wako says on the last page isn't really directly translatable for western culture. She says 'after I only said it once'. This is a very Asian thing where you're supposed to say 'Oh no, please go anyhow' and the other person is supposed to say 'Oh no I couldn't possibly' and then you go back and forth a few times insisting the other person go anyhow and the other person keeps refusing, but then eventually says 'Well, if you INSIST then I guess we'll go, sigh....' It works like this with paying the check at a restaurant too, been there many times!
Anyhow, Niikura and Nagumo are so eager to go camping that they just say it once then immediately take off, leading Wako to protest that she only told them to go once and they should at least pretend to be a little more reluctant and make her say it a few more times. There's just no room to convey all this so I changed it from 'But I only said it once' to 'Even though you just said that (you couldn't possibly go).' Which as far as Japanese to English nuance is pretty good at keeping most of the meaning, I think!