Damn it, your making his confessing sped up, doing it on the double date instead of the fireworks festival (but on the bright side, he would’nt suffer from the fireworks interruption cliche)
EDIT:bruh the next chapter made the MC plan side tracked and almost gotten lost of hope to confess because the FMC male aquaintance. additionally, the MC’s favorate band memeber appeared at of nowhere and his literally sitting with all the celebrities lol
Don't worry, MC, as you eat her homemade bentos, go on multiple dates with her where she repeatedly calls you handsome while blushing furiously, and hold hands with her in her secret visits to the store, I'm sure you can sniff out who she likes.
Takuya is certainly right about one thing...It really is pretty uncommon for a purchase to hit such a flat total like that, needing a special combination of both particularly priced products, coupled with a specific tax rate.
To be perfectly honest I didn't understand much of this chapter because it opened with the concept of "all-you-can-eat yakiniku" and my brain simply wasn't built to cope with such concepts.