I'm glad that sunbae got back at that girl for her "despite being a mutant you're pretty" remark. There's nothing despite about it.
Personally I find this story particularly interesting as someone of mixed race myself I see the overlap. Fortunately I didn't face the same level of discrimination as Mei, but even then it's amazing the off-hand comments people can easily make. Like I might talk to someone of the same culture/ethnicity and say "oh me too" and they'll give me something I would describe as a pity smile and say " ahh..no, you're a halfy" or something like that. It sometimes feels like being put on the edge of that circle, you're not a complete outsider, but at the same time too you never quite get treated like an insider either.
Also very true on being treated like a curiosity. I don't mind in itself people being curious about my background but there are those who push things in a way that gets uncomfortable. For me though I find it helps to remember that not everyone is always bad intentioned, just sometimes...awkward/ignorant.