Yeah i can kinda understand the wife a little, constant fightning in work for the dream position made her stressed all the time, probably it was the reason that she was getting angry easily and that made them quarrel a lot, the sex was a second thing, becouse of the work situation she probably wasn't in mood that often or was tired but that doesn't explain her behaviour anyway.
I don't have idea how this manga gonna go from now but seems like wife is about to get demoted to being an interviewer and at this point i can see her being close to breaking with all that bad stuff pilled in her life, she for sure gonna need MC help and i think she will be there for her and actually kinda get close again but again this is a manhwa and she can always find consolation in "other arms", i just hope she won't use her body to get promotion, like that other girl we saw.
At this point i either see MC ending up with nurse(i hope she isn't a snake going after his money, she didn't look like one) or the second option would be the wife becouse of them getting closer becouse of her "breaking".