@kronix That might actually get him into some serious trouble considering the position the MC's father has, at least as is depicted until now. Are you that one guy that asks for every MC to get cucked?
@mommy I don't know what kronix said since I have him blocked, but, yes, he's that one guy that perpetually asks for every MC to get c*cked or f*cked, or even both.
@mommy have you been reading this manga? this MC is a piece of shit that keeps on bullying the FMC and acting completely the opposite way he talks. He goes on dates with his high school "friend" while he has a fiancee, and tells his "fiancee" that she cant go eat dinner with her boss cuz she has a fiancee (him) are you serious? fucking MC can eat a dick for all I care. Unless he starts changing the way he acts in front of his fiancee I am never gonna support that lil cunt
@FredFriendly Thank you for the info @kronix Lol. Chill out dude. Have you actually read my comment? In no way shape or form did I imply that the MC is a good guy and aside from the NTR part I actually do agree with you. The MC isn't really likable but neither the FMC nor the MC show really grown up behavior, treating each other like a nuisance and a child (MC is worse). Do I think he doesn't deserve her? Yes, I do but I don't want her to get blackmailed/raped nor do I want the drama that comes with it. Why are you still reading this in the first place as this is obviously not the right title for you?
I think strg+v didn't register than I hit it and so I had the wrong user. If you see this than sorry lol