In most, if not all cultures if you hit a woman (that is not your relative at least in some) you’re automatically the bad guy, regardless of circumstances. I know a guy who was arrested for hitting a woman who stabbed him (she was not charged or arrested.)
So yeah, no shit he isn’t going to hit a woman who isn’t even physically aggressive.
He wasn't going to hit the guys till they got on his face and provoked him into doing it so I'm not surprised he didn't hit the girl when she wisely remained silent.
I told you he could throw down ... now ... channel all that so you can throw 'down' there too. Oops ... he can't throw down there ... because he is impotent and has channeled all his sexual frustration into being a fighter NOT a lover. Poor Noona ... and poor new bitch girl.
Not as elegant in a life or death situation as unbalanced x3 but more action & intimidating. Still think the circumstances in unbalanced x3 is better written.
She just saw 2 boys got beaten up, there is no sane person gonna provoked a person that win 2vs1 situation. That's not white knightin, that's common sense from the author.
@givemersspls ... because at no point did she ever threaten the MC physically like the two male bullies did? Hell, I don't even recall her doing anything aside from standing around looking shocked/dumbfounded while her partners got their asses kicked. The girl being a bad person doesn't mean she should get clocked in the face by someone who's vastly bigger, stronger, and knows how to fight like the MC. Quite frankly, I don't get how this is somehow a bad thing by the author when like remarx said, it's basic freakin' common sense.
Well, to be perfectly fair, he would not have beaten up those two guys either but they were asking for it. Hell he gave them multiple chances to back off. In fact you could say that they got more chances to back off then the bully girl.