@RandomBirb : More or less that, but MC isn't THAT dense.
In fact from looking at the RAW, the TL-er reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally butchered those two friend's bubbles in the 2nd panel.
The 'husband' bubble is actually ふ〜ん a very common 'hmmm~~' noise of understanding.
It's basically a big giant red sign "This is MTL of the lowest level, the one who can't at all read the original"
So the two were actually going
A: *smug* "Hmm~ well, well"
B: Seems like there was no need to interfere, wasn't there?
And MC's thought went basically "Ah, she got completely je baited" so he recognized the two's intention from that.
So yes, they're being winggirls, but more in "congrats for FINALLY being honest lol" teasing tone.