Contract Concubine - Ch. 44

Feb 19, 2018
I love it that the comment section mostly is talking about the questionable emperor
Jan 25, 2020
Lol people. He's an Emperor! Frikin' EMPEROR!! He may be annoying as heck but he's an accurate description of a person who was never refused when he wants something, and who thinks it's natural to always listen to him without a doubt. a person who was raised to think about himself as above all else. What do you want him to behave like? Like a frekin commoner? Or like a romantic lover or do you imagine a person raised to rule over the lives of thousands of peole, who's one word can make someone loose their life to have a common sense???
Sep 6, 2019
I was so happy when you replied, oh my god. Cause people were saying that there's finally progression??
but I don't know, i don't see it.
She's still just doing her job and he's still being an ass.
ALSO DEFENDING HIM?? hol up, that don't make sense?? why, he's done nothing right this whole timeeeee!!!!
AND FOR REAL- when he first mentioned horen(?) she was upset, I mean I would assume the reasonable thing to do is never to bring it up again because i'm not human trash and it's not like it would affect with my plans. Okay, maybe I'm a little curious. So I check, okay I found what I was looking for. Now what? Do i tell her and bring up bad memories again and possibly get in a fight with her? OR do I keep this to myself now that I've quenched my curiosity? I mean it wasn't that hard to just keep that information to himself? the dude is dead right? what would be the point of bringing it up if it had nothing to do with ANYTHING!

i get a headache every time turns her away when the plan was to act as in love with her as possible. He could have question feelings later when this whole mess is over. Also, try not to do things that will lower your chances like bringing up deceased friend. haha but noo

😔😔😔the cover also has another dude in the corner?? just maybe...mAYBE the emperor is not the ml?? haha jk.. unless?..
Sep 6, 2019
Sure he's emperor and he's above everyone. Wow good for him. But our mc is not his people, he shouldn't have to expect for her to do as he says or answer personal questions and when denied get mad. Her job was to find the spy, not put up with his nonsense. I mean yeah i get it, he was raised with power dripping off of him and a word from him can get you killed. But surely you can see when someone is upset, she can literally kill you?? she's an assassin?? maybe it's best to be careful just sayin
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2019
WTF ILYSM?!?! 😭😭 - tbh same I do not think there's been any progression. He legit got all fussy and pinned his one-sided feelings on her when she didn't "wait" for him? Like bro, you ASSIGNED her to be a spy, to check surroundings, and well uh spy on people. And maybe I'm wrong, but do spies have schedules? Aren't they supposed to always be in action if something urgent happens?
His apology was half-assed, he just realized his own romantic feelings and decided to say sorry to be comforted and babied.

I get, again, what people are saying about defenses of interrogating her. It's just he didn't do it because he was smart- no he did it out of impulsion and jealousy. If the emperor was feeling sus about MC- which is weird because MC IS an assassin and he chose her. That's a business relationship, not a oh I need to know your past relationships that I didn't even know of during my previous background search but suddenly will know when I push you to answer? It's just not smart for those who are defending his actions are smart. The emperor should have pried into her slowly or not have mentioned right in her face of his curiosity rather than figuring out about something that cannot currently benefit him. (If he found about Horen and blackmailed MC that would be shitty AF but actually smart- not this impulsive, childness that is supposedly fitting of an emperor)
And yeah, right?! LMAO If you ask twice you think an ASSASSIN- a master of deceit- will suddenly go awhh he's my childhood ____??

Holds our heads bc I also get a headache over this dumb*ss LMAO. Tired of his guilt-tripping and it's a difference between being sly and breaking required trust in a BUSINESS relationship. Am I saying he needs to trust an assassin, no- but every business relationship requires the slightest bit of trust that's why you get into one.

please... please author please give us a smarter man i am begging you someone dethrone him because i dont even know what he's done well other than annoy those who follow him lmao
Double-page supporter
Jun 30, 2018
The emperor is so annoying and it's obvious hes only falling for her because she doesn't fawn over him like other women do, which means that it doesn't have to be Yesuh he falls for it can be any woman who doesn't throw herself at him. I like Hahae best tbh, or just no romance at all would be cool idk. Anything is better than this man child - i mean emperor
Mar 15, 2019
Yesuh is an assassin that can "hear" a maid moving around suspiciously but cannot hear a HEARTBEAT? WHAT A BS! That's so illogical and it gave me a headache with the inconsistency of the writer

I mean, do you want her to be oblivious or the best assassin? I'm sure the "best" assassin can hear heartbeat and realize something is weird, either he fell in love or at least think he's lying or whatever, the point is CHOOSE ONE GOD DAMMIT

I can't with all this bs

Anyway, thank you for the translation! 🙏🏻♥️
Aggregator gang
Jan 21, 2019
Lol, people sure love to bitch about things. Stop reading then if it bothers you that much. This is just a light-hearted romantic spy comedy, don't read anything more into it.
I for one am enjoying the disconnect between the emperor and Yesuh.

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