NOW I get it. Of all of them, I'd have picked Horen too, he looks fiiiine...
And somewhat mentally stable, which is surprisingly noteworthy in this roster of MLs lol
I just don't understand. Is this author intending the emperor to be comedic relief (not that he's funny) but they cannot be serious about him being a love possibility. Why else does his idiotic actions and self persist to exist?
i dont think the ML is Ahnon anymore. I thought he was at first but I feel like he would choose his country over Yesuh, which means he would have to have more concubines for political alliance and strength which isnt something Yesuh would like. Hahae my fav seems like the second ML. hes giving me that vibe 😭 idk what yugi would be bc he’s mysterious and we dont know much abt him but i love him. maybe horen is the ml? idk anymore all the men in this manhwa are hot😂