mycropen Group Leader Joined Oct 6, 2018 Messages 104 Dec 25, 2019 #2 Congratulations on fatherhood, Imori.
R RainEStar Member Joined Jul 10, 2019 Messages 81 Dec 25, 2019 #4 I wouldn't call Imori a "father" (where are all the dudes anyway?) but she's definitely a part of the family. Strict live-in aunt, maybe? Also, nice story. Complicated, but resolved in a way that makes sense.
I wouldn't call Imori a "father" (where are all the dudes anyway?) but she's definitely a part of the family. Strict live-in aunt, maybe? Also, nice story. Complicated, but resolved in a way that makes sense.
marianolinx Dex-chan lover Joined Feb 17, 2019 Messages 3,451 Dec 25, 2019 #7 Wow😍 that was beautiful
AgentKuga Dex-chan lover Joined Jun 1, 2018 Messages 3,931 Dec 26, 2019 #9 So she went back to the future, which had changed and lost all memories of what happened. How mind-fucking, and thank you.
So she went back to the future, which had changed and lost all memories of what happened. How mind-fucking, and thank you.
K KairoWasTaken Member Joined Sep 27, 2018 Messages 90 Dec 26, 2019 #10 did this get axed cus they didn't show anything with Laika's father (apart from him being mentioned on his reason why he made the human cosmos). They said he was going home but didn't show anything
did this get axed cus they didn't show anything with Laika's father (apart from him being mentioned on his reason why he made the human cosmos). They said he was going home but didn't show anything
KitsuKyouno Dex-chan lover Joined Dec 4, 2018 Messages 947 Dec 26, 2019 #11 I supposed calling Imori her father mean the romantic relationship she had with the mother, make sense
I supposed calling Imori her father mean the romantic relationship she had with the mother, make sense
amZa Member Joined Aug 29, 2018 Messages 199 Dec 27, 2019 #12 Lmao, my head still couldn't process what happened in this manga. Welp, at least it ended with a happy ending.
Lmao, my head still couldn't process what happened in this manga. Welp, at least it ended with a happy ending.
Blaze9 Group Leader Joined Aug 13, 2019 Messages 145 May 19, 2020 #13 I liked the ending, but gotta agree the story was confusing.
FatalVestige Fed-Kun's army Joined Feb 22, 2020 Messages 134 Aug 27, 2020 #14 It really wasn't that confusing... but I did read it all in one go. Also, YURI ENDING YURI ENDING!!