and the suppressed side of a weeb psyche--like mine--is called the "anime" ☺️Normally, the suppressed side of a male psyche is called the “anima”, but the suppressed side of a female psyche is called the “animus”; part of the idea being that amongst the traits suppressed by males are the feminine, while amongst the traits suppressed by females are the masculine.
nope, i'll still be working on that as well as rampartsThanks for TLing and good luck. Just curious did u manage to pass off Fuji on the roadside as well?
Thanks, I would kill for a proofreader hahaJust a heads up on page 29 the word “will” is there twice next to each other
Edit: ah just read the last page. Thanks for the translations up until now!
I think she meant anima in the Aristotelian sense instead of the Jungian.Normally, the suppressed side of a male psyche is called the “anima”, but the suppressed side of a female psyche is called the “animus”; part of the idea being that amongst the traits suppressed by males are the feminine, while amongst the traits suppressed by females are the masculine.