Am I the only one that's bugged by them calling Kokoro a he, when it's both a fairly feminine name and the cat is a calico, which means that it's 99% certain it's a female?
@ElBichoRaro: I'm too lazy to go check the RAW, but most likely there isn't a specific pronoun used so the translator just auto-pilot to using He as a default.
@ElBichoRaro@WhimsiCat I try to avoid calling the cats male or female unless I am confident enough to stand by it. For Kokoro I decided to make the comment that it is a reference to "My Neighbor Totoro" which the character Totoro was voice by a male so calling him a "he" makes sense to me. Although I know that Kokoro can mean heart which is very feminine for a cat so I'll probablly try to keep to gender neutral terms for the cats in the future.
I agree on most of it, but again, calicos are almost exclusively female due to it being X-chromosome dependent. However, I'm not the translator, so I'll shut up now.
@ElBichoRaro I welcome any and all input on my translations good or bad. I am still extremely new to doing this so everything help and I rely on comment to help me improve. The police cat should have been called something feminine but I chose as the translator to not use the direct translation of the name (heart) because in english that is not a name someone would give their cat. Kokoro just reminded me of Totoro so and figured it would be a good stand in for a name and doing so made the cat seem male in my head. I think that the creepy cat species is something that defies gender and will probably only use gendered terms on the creepy cats if I think a character would do so.