I did call the guy being called after a centipede back as he was introduced, yay me !
However, while your translator notes are welcome, maybe they'd be better off being on a separate page ?
@Demomanowar probably but this way if people take it from here and post it elsewhere they are forced to ether keep the notes that I want people to know about, or spend 30 seconds in photo shop.
I have been considering commissioning an artist to make me a Creepy Cat style Translator Notes page where it has an empty middle for notes and a creepy cat style border.
@thtgiang the transition from sad Oscar to knock on the door doesnt have to be immediate, there can be a few minutes to a few hour between them giving plenty of time to go from thep station to her house.
@thtgiang There's like 5 Hime's 10 creepy cats, a few kokoro's at any point in time. Could just be a body double that wanted to go see Flora while the others wanted to annoy Oscar by sleeping on Oscar's work computer, chair, coffee mug, etc.
@Darthskippy I noticed that before that all the characters names( except for main maybe) have something to do with their personality or character so I actually googled it beforehand. Lol