Creepy Cat - Vol. 4 Ch. 397 - Goodbye, Nyangen

Group Leader
Apr 28, 2018
Why so aggressive? You're not wrong I am the most amateur of amateurs who has nearly zero grasp on the Japanese language that uses auto translation to do most of the work. But the thing is I'm not trying to be a good translator, I'm doing this purely as a hobby for fun.

I have shit mental and physical health and Covid made both worse but the massive amount of positive support I have recived while doing this has allowed me to keep going. Eventually I plan on taking atleast a beginner's Japanese course but right now all the effort I can muster is going towards trying the better myself.

TLDR: Your not wrong you're just a dick. This is my hobby not my job.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@TheMinester Re-read what I said. You're actively making your raws worse by upscaling them for literally no reason. Also, learn to optimize.

You're not wrong I am the most amateur of amateurs who has nearly zero grasp on the Japanese language that uses auto translation to do most of the work. But the thing is I'm not trying to be a good translator, I'm doing this purely as a hobby for fun.
This is downright horrific to see. It's an insult to the mangaka who's work you're stealing and reuploading with some awful typesetting and MTL regurgitation.
You don't even have the sense to hide it like most MTLers. Just because dumbo jumbo readers say "thx 4 the TL" every chapter, does not mean you're doing a good job.
If you don't meet the absolute bare requirements to properly do the work, why are you doing it?
"For fun."
How fucking rude.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
@DrWhoCares if youre not gonna pick this up and do "a better job" translating it, youre just being a prick for no reason. its good that you have quality standards but dont apply those to people you have nothing to do with
Apr 28, 2020
It is sad to see the end coming near, but it was great to come across and experience this amazing comic. While some may feel sour about the translation quality, I believe it is also our due diligence as readers to give this artwork a well-deserved and appreciative send-off at the end of it all. My thanks to the creator Cotton Valent (otherwise known as Woraya Chotikul) for this astounding comic, and @Darthskippy for consistently translating this for nearly a full year! Make sure to send your thanks, everyone else!
Mar 1, 2021
can someone tell me what nyangen means?

edit. never mind I found this after searching nyangen meaning Japanese.
"Nyangen" (nyan + ningen/human).
Aug 16, 2018
How funny the name of the person on their high horse is drwhocares when they clearly care too much. If you don’t wanna read it just don’t, let people who actually appreciate the effort read it.

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