Author, we were all eager to see the second lead, but you had to bring him the moment kisung starts having feelings for the mc 😭 Oh well, it won’t be a good story without some conflict. I’m exited to see how this plays out hoho
Boi , jfuwiwjsjwkskdjs confess already 😂 I mean he actually confess right ;____; since he don't mind people misunderstanding they went date asddflgkshaagag
So he confessed and she was shocked. He goes into detail about how he liked her since she was young and how he thinks its fate that he met her again in this school. She says she has someone else she likes and how it would be too much to handle other people feelings. (Unfortunately, as you can expect she didn't give him a direct no) He replied with "you do whatever you want and I will do whatever I want to do (Shows a scene where she said this to ki-sung)because unrequited love doesn't mean someone can give up just because they want to give up. And well, I don't think you're dating yet!"
That was annoying but on the plus side of this chapter ki-sung did sleep at her house and now they're both awake whilst the others are asleep.
So basically expect more drama. I hope ki-sung uses this lucky moment to do something that makes her think only about him. That is my only wish for next chapter. I really don't like this cunt and the author is playing the symmetry card with these two. It's obvious who'll get hyeji in the end as with did just have 27 chapters showing us who the main man is. Still, it hurts to see this being rubbed in my face.