@Rhyrhygogo I'm back and the cunts life as a celebrity has brought back an old trauma for Hyeji. She's afraid of Camera flashes and how it reminds herself of what she used to look like. Unfortunately for us she recently got harassed by some reporters due to a picture taken with her and the cunt...Because of this, she has holed up inside her room and then eventually ran away after getting into an argument with her parents. The cunt of the other hand is enjoying a nice ice-cream and getting his picture taken...
Luckily for us, Kisung is there for her and is taking care of her. There is still not much progress on the love front. I'm hoping this puts a fat wall between her and the cunt so the love can finally progress.https://gyazo.com/d995aeecbe9e041de7610dec1492816f Look at kisung wrapping Hyeji in big hug!