Poor dude, he's just looking for the nearest ice cream shop.
Also, for a guy from generic cultivator-Murim, he has an incredible lack of bloodthirst. Probably one of those do-gooder cultivator sects.
IDK y i felt so strongly so i'm rly sry for this but here goes my 3am brain rant... Wuxia and cultivation stuff isn't unique to China. A lot of Asian countries (but mostly South Korea and China) have at least a few cultivation chunibyous somewhere. Same for super heroes, that stuff is universal (check out a few cool ones from Russia as an example). The only reason why the US might have a "dominance" on the super hero genre is because the US has a large population of comic fans back in the day (kind of like claiming Japan has a monopoly on isekai hero stories. Not entirely true, but definitely truthful to some extent).
Speaking of which, the "American" hero is literally named Plastic Man (instead of Iron Man). I guess you're more right and I'm more wrong,
@AStrangerIsHere .
Why does it feel like I'm trying to argue against myself?
I'm not.
No, I'm not.