At comic walker site, theres raw for first 3 chapter and 1 latest chapter. The latest chapter renewed every time 1 new chapter released (e.g. this month the latest is ch 123, next month it will be replaced for 124. 123 will vanish, only accessible by buying & then scanning the physical copy. As far as i know Alive is monthly)
Now (24/08/2020) from what i see, the latest chapter is 125. We were "hanged" by a goddamn 4 chapter for 4 months. (I'm staring at you, HOT CHOCOLATE SCANS).
FYI, there are some 'intricts' happens for scanlating this manga. HCS is good, but slow. Then comes Black Cat Scanlation, which interested by this manga and think that HCS dropped this, so they make their own version (that's why theres 2 version of some of the latest chapter). HCS now feel the pressure, start doing & relese it faster. Competition makes Improvement. Now, BCS feel bad for 'stealing' project, stop scanlating it. Give all the right regarding this project to HCS. No more competition, no more improvement. Then HCS back at being HCS, release it so slow that we were late by 4 chapters.
Sure, i know how bad is to feel something what is 'yours' taken from you. But if that 'yours' just started dying & you just neglect it, isn't it better for it to belong to better person than you who can give better care for it? Sure it's bad that you wont get credit for it anymore, but at least it wont be dying & neglected for 4 goddamn months!