Holy shit the comments section are full of paragraphs
Which is a good thing. It shows people are invested in the story.
My own take is that Sauvel only has himself to blame for pushing Rafilia to this point. He has all but abandoned both her and Aria to their fates. He's planning on shipping her off to an academy to see if she can act like a noble, otherwise he's going to divorce Aria and send both of them back to the being commoners.
Excuse me, sir? This is a Wendy's. You need to actually show some bloody compassion for your wife and daughter, since, y'know, you brought them up from being commoners? Plus, your niece told your 2nd wife that if she didn't lay off the thinking about boning your brother (subconsciously, mind you), then the Royal Family would potentially kill her.
Talk about being hypocritical when you and your 1st wife were each having your own affairs, and neither of you were reprimanded as harshly as your 2nd wife.