@kwendy But she looks like an adult in seemingly every face shot! Not only that, her clothing and accessories make her look way too mature at first glance(Don't know about you, but those earrings make her look even more like an adult and are not helping in the slightest). Page 4 is a perfect example of what the issue is. Every panel that had her in it(maybe aside from one)made her look like an adult, and it wasn't until she said she was 10 several pages later that I even knew she was
supposed to look like a child.
Honestly it's kind of a trivial matter, but it confused the hell out of me once it was revealed she was 10. I thought everyone up to that point was an adult as visually they appeared to be so, but to be told that all those people at the tea party and both boys she bumped into(one more literal than the other) were children threw me for a loop and I had to reread everything to that point with "they are children" in mind. I suppose it's also mostly just a personal problem because whenever I read stories I tend to imagine how a character's voice sounds based on their appearance and the setting. As such, I gave all the characters adult voices and had a hard time trying to fix that afterwards when I found out most of them, aside from the maid and a few others, were still kids.
Edit: I think it's the overall softness of the faces, or lack thereof. Adults, even women, tend to have more angular faces, whereas children tend to have more round faces. But ALL of the faces in this series have about the same angularness to them regardless of age, aside from the "plump" girl and a few scenes where a character is chibified. Furthermore, the only panel that I saw that somewhat properly showed how large their heads were to their bodies was actually the second-to-last panel on page 4 that Gladys showed up on, where she is turning away from the boy. Other than that, there aren't enough body shots to properly establish that "this is a kid." This is relevant because children tend to have larger heads proportionate to their bodies as a person's head reaches about 90% of it's maximum size by age 5, making a child's head look way too big for their body.
I'm rambling at this point, so you can ignore me if you'd like. This is still an enjoyable read regardless and in no way does the odd proportions decrease my desire to read this, it was just...bloody confusing.