Dance Dance Danseur - Vol. 11 Ch. 99

Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2019
Thank you very much

Edit: Natsuki became such a beauty
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2018
This chapter gave me hell trying to read the raws, so thank you very much for the translation!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 25, 2018
Pages 1-3 are so friggin beautiful, always really happy to see the author pulling out the acrylic, so signature to this manga's style.

What I find really funny is that I was fully prepared not to get pulled into the 'will he won't he' as I was opening the chapter. Firmly ready to not care about the outcome at all and just see where the author goes. But then he hits me with page 7 and the judge's "He's a beginner!" line and suddenly I got completely pulled in. Now I started to really believe for a moment "actually ye, it makes so much sense for them to consider him for the scholarship on the merit that he is an unbelievable learner - precisely the sort of sponge that you want in a great school to shape into a diamond". It's an angle I didn't consider at all last week. So I was really starting to stress out for Junpei a little there and it made the winner reveals quite exciting haha.

I guess with every key character moving abroad for a bit, will be an interesting down period of just Junpei solo in Japan. Maybe the author will time-skip it entirely hmmm.
Active member
Dec 3, 2019
This chapter gave me hell trying to read the raws, so thank you very much for the translation!
If you don't know anything about the ballet world it's going to be difficult to understand 😅

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