Dansei Kyoufushou datta Watashi ga AV Jouyu ni Naru made no Hanashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Kegare

Mar 12, 2018
@Doomroar You are exactly right. Banning and criminalizing certain things just doesn’t work. The War on Drugs was a complete failure and the war on porn is also doomed to fail. People who call for a blanket ban are just uninformed and naive thinking they can solve the world’s problems, if we just follow everything they say.

While many men and women are definitely being exploited and coerced, some are legitimate workers who are just trying to make a living. Better regulations and better support systems is what’s really needed for the porn industry. There is nothing wrong being a porn actor or sex worker, if you willing make that decision without any external influences.

Now, we have no idea yet as to why the mangaka decided to become a porn actress. She could’ve been coerced or independently came to the conclusion that this was her only path in life. We just don’t know. As y’all already know from reading this manga, you can’t judge a book by its cover.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2019
Dude..... You guys never read a biography about their trauma. I've read some and I know how to digest that book differently.

About this manga, here's my suggestion to all readers.

[li]Based on professional psychiatric suggestion, this kind of work is for them to taking dump about their most depressing experience from their brain. It's like your every day in the toilet, if not thrown up, it will be bad.[/li]
[li]Don't ever send her message or even sympathy to her twitter / email / anything IN NON-JAPANESE LANGUAGE. The best way you can do is SILENT !!! or at most, just say in Japan a simple praising words about this manga in rare occasion.[/li]
[li]Let her finish this manga in peace. It's better than she goes to Aokigahara Forest / using illegal drugs / hallucination meeting Slenderman and kill innocent people.[/li]
[li]This chapter obviously state that she is in mentally broken state and having deep trauma which cause she lose feeling of sympathy, losing some good memories, insecure feeling. Even her drawing looks not in stable quality.[/li]
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
As someone who has gone through severe depression through my life, I can definitely relate to her in this chapter, though I never was in this bad of a situation.

The paranoia isn't something I experienced but I can imagine being violated like that can cause constant anxiety.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Akikako I am calling for regulation which will effectively end exploitation and diminish shady an illegal practices, and impossibilities the access of children to such a world in a legal manner.
If you missed that then that's your own fault, and shows your own ignorance of how the porn industry works, its problems, and its possible solutions.

Because you seem to be under the impression that all porn is made while forcing the actresses to act on it, which is not true, they are people with contracts that act in front of a camera.
And the legality of those contracts and the level in which they can guarantee the rights of the worker depend on regulation and its legality status, and that also extend to the production, distribution, and even the content.

Which can be lost if you simply ban it and then assume that the porn industry and its problems will magically disappear that way.

@Guywithglasses Indeed we don't even know how she entered that world, nor do we know her work environment.
Jan 18, 2018
@DanJADO @Akikako did you guys miss the part in the very first page where she lived more happily as porn actress?

don't get me wrong, THAT'S EXACTLY THE FUCKED UP PART.

our society failed at her. but oh well, yes, it's all porn fault, literally one of few place where she can smile, unlike the time when she still with her family. /s

it's a really bad time when porn give her more of place she belong to than her own family. and we should fix the cause (family) not the outcome. you guys become the very thing that prejudice towards her to begin with.

@Doomroar @Guywithglasses
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@kuma Right, i guess we do know part of her work environment, she has nice coworkers, but is she being paid fairly for example? how are her work hours? how does her manager deals with her? those are the shady things with the industry they try to demand more out of the actress than established on the contract, something common for independent contractors at large not just porn.

But like i said before, maybe she gets lucky later in life and all those aspects don't happen to her, after all we don't know how she got there.

And I completely agree, she fortunately seems happier now, to the point that she is even able to make this manga, so the true tragedy is her family situation which is what has been covered by this chapter.
Jan 18, 2018
@Doomroar better than your average japanese animator for sure, LMAO.

seriously, there is soo many workplace abuse story in japan, that people literally killing them self. porn industries looks tame compare to that. but at least, from mangaka expression, she is not complaining about porn industry much, and even didn't try to hide it. she retire from it because she want something she has been long longing for and pron industries kinda hold that back, her own warm family.
Jan 27, 2018
@kuma you simply can't trust that "smile", primarily because she quit and she started this manga where even she makes a correlation her begin to do porn and her abused childhood.
And even if she liked that environment somehow, maybe because there was clearly rules (for example no penetration and generally they are gentle), someone used this emotional weak woman to make money and in the porn industry is FULL about these stories.
@Doomroar and I tell you this too: the porn industry is FULL of stories like this: women with a bad past with men, with abused and sad past and others use them for make money. There is no regulation that you can make for this. Maybe you can justify this because you can't live without your daily fap material, but no me.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
Yeah... but no. If you have already told your mom something as tough and embarrassing as your own brother raping you, whats the point of keeping to yourself some "minor" thing like a photo?
Doesnt make sense no matter how you look at it.
Jan 18, 2018
@Akikako so does any other work in japan. welcome to japan society, first time?

and again, one look on her twitter account and you see how much she didn't have problem with porn industry her own. YOU does.
@Tearsax that's literally point of phobia. it doesn't made sense. but still fear it because little bit chance it could be happen because trauma in the past. that's like saying PTSD for war vet doesn't made sense because they already left the war.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Akikako actually you can, just like how we have regulations to not contract people underage to do pornography, we can have regulations to check if the contractors are taking emotional and psychological advantage of people, and to send people who have been victims of abuse towards proper healthcare institutions.

Lack of regulations is precisely what allows pimping and sex trafficking to happen, things that are already illegal and yet continue. Adding more banning doesn't fix this because it doesn't actually address the problem.

Matter of fact those regulation should be generalized and not limited to the porn industry, with her background she could be exploited in any industry she ends in, because unbalanced power dynamics between genders are common in every jobs, specially if no regulations are there ensuring her safety.
Mar 21, 2018
What happened to her was a tragedy, but her choice as an adult to become a pornstar is not part of that tragedy, if anything it could be her therapy but that is up to her to reveal.
Jan 27, 2018
@kuma I don't think that an regular office work require the employ to fuck (or pretend) random dudes, film that and distribuite it for make money... And like I said, even if she liked the environment, you must count the low in her life: no one sane would tell that be in the porn it's somehow OK.
@Doomroar I said that you can't stop them to use weak women not underage and they are using these weak women right now. Even once it's too much.

Anyway, if you all are OK with porn, it's your problem, but I'm not here to change your mind. I hope that no one your daughters, sisters, wife, no one that you love enter in this world, because there is no clean exit from it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Akikako And those things happen precisely because of a lack of regulation.

What do you even meant by "clean" exit anyway? do you think these women are now dirty, scarred, less human and "damaged goods"? or that they are forever "doomed" to work as porn actress because they did it for a couple of years and now they have to keep doing it because they don't have any other form to survive?

Well neither of those 2 assumptions are true, plenty of porn actress stop doing porn and move on to do other things with their life, get married have kids and have happy lives, they become traditional actors, entrepreneurs, some are even politicians like Ilona Staller, or the case of this author who already retired and is now a mangaka.

The porn industry has many problems but is not the hell hole you paint out to be, hell if you really want to make a stand against it you would have to get to the core of the problem which is how we interact with women, and that goes for everything not just traditional porn, but life in general.
Jan 27, 2018
@Doomroar yes, they are "damaged", they were "damaged" before they enter in the porn and will be more "damaged" after they stop and someone use their state for make money. It's not a case that there is a lot of porn actor with depression and relationship problems and it's not a case to find a morning with a porn actor mysteriously dead. If someone feels sick doing something that should feel good, some problems there is in what they are doing, or not? And for what? For anyone to wank on them?
And what you write here "hell if you really want to make a stand against it you would have to get to the core of the problem which is how we interact with women, and that goes for everything not just traditional porn, but life in general" it's totally true. I would be happy if we want talk about this. I don't know if porn is the cause of this or symptom, but surly it play a huge part in the distort representation of the woman as a object for the self-pleasure.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019

Well. I had a paranoia attack during most of my early childhood due to some weird trauma with the posters of "The Perfume". Specifically the one with the woman with backlighting and red petals that I missinterpreted as blood. I saw that thing one day on a mall and the shock was so hard I could feel like the shadow was following me everywhere afterwards... I've got cursed. Sometimes the shadow would divide in two and/or give itself the form of a man. They looked at me in the distance, waiting for me to be alone. When I was alone they would laugh and not let me sleep, or take a bath or a shit. When I was asleep I would have nightmares with them. The paranoia lasted 3 years. My mom didn't know what to do. And psychologist always said that I was relatively "normal". Everything eventually stopped after they got me hypnotized and sedated to sleep better.

Now I know it was just my imagination. But that incident made me a socially uncompetent person for most of my childhood. I still feel the effects in my adult life. It wasn't pretty.

I'm still a paranoic person that sometimes opens the door thinking that someone might jump on me and stab me for no reason. So I have to make sure I am not in stabbing range almost every time. This behaviour is worst at night when I also stealth walk in the dark while going to the fridge for some water. Just in case.

PD: I know no one cares. But I just really felt like talking about it for some reason. Maybe because I relate to her so much.

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