Dantoudai no Hanayome - Sekai wo Horobosu Futsutsuka na Tatsuki desu ga. - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Vampire


Group Leader
Jan 12, 2019
My guess as to what is happening here is that even in Japanese they're saying the English word 'Fantasy' which this idiot protag doesn't know so he mispronounces it in return.
Well you're right in him misunderstanding, so what I'm guessing is they took a bit of a fun-bad way to address it.

The girl on pg.18 says 幻想少女 (げんそうしょうじょ) while the mc misunderstands it as 原初少女 (げんそうしょうじょ), the first meaning fantasy/dream girl while the other means primordial/origin girl.

So in conclusion, it's a misunderstanding, but the way KS Group have pointed to that is terrible, imho.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 23, 2019
While doing this in media res is cool, and makes the world feel more lived in... I am so very lost! Aside from the basics of our lead's character and setting, the rest seems to have just sort of exploded into our laps.

Feels like this should have all been one long intro chapter, rather than cutting us off without a full idea of this yet.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
Gonna assume the flashback of the "unknown" girl he MC has a memory of is this dragon girl, from the spikes on her ear.

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