Also, for the people who insists the other version was better:
New timeline
- Threesome
- Gotou finally has sex with another girl
- He reconnects with his childhood friend Akito
- He's probably gonna realize there is other girls besides Agawa, so he doesn't have to be obsessed with her
- He's probably gonna get back into baseball and re-learn there's more to life than just sex
- Agawa is still happily a slut
- Whatever happens will probably make them realize they do like each other
Old timeline
- Gotou was so obsessed with Agawa that he would never consider sex with other girls, while she could fuck anyone, so you know, super cuck
- Story was mostly sex shenanigans
- No Akito yet, even though she was foreshadowed
- Agawa was sadly going to have sex with the teacher
- When she tried to stop the teacher tried to blackmail her
- Gotou found them together, so there was 50/50 chance he would either stop them or walk away, maybe because Agawa told him to
- Pres was gonna send the 4 Great Sluts to "defeat" Gotou, which let's be real, is a pretty dumb plot
Seriously, you guys are so butthurt over the change you all don't even fucking properly read the chapter, since some of you are whining it doesn't make sense, even though it does, you all put the original in a pedestal when it wasn't even actually any better, it was just different.
I said before and I'll repeat, the negative reactions is because some of you thought this was some kind of anti-NTR story, where the pure and honest Gotou was gonna "fix" the poor broken slut with the power of love, even though she doesn't need any fixing, because guess what? Being a slut doesn't make you a "broken" person, some people simply like sex.
Honestly baffled that some people here wanted the cuck timeline