Dark Gathering - Ch. 60 - Divine Majesty

Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
The tension was insane before the god was revealed to be unharmed omg, the ghosts were all getting ready to either be on the offensive or defensive. And that all-out attack was so awesome!! But alas, it did nothing. Their shocked expressions are nice to see after they usually smile creepily ngl. They really gotta cooperate this time, begrudgingly for some. So hype!! I can't wait for the next chapter already!!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 25, 2023
thanks for the chapter but i would recommend having the text a bit darker (?) since its kinda hard to read, mostly on desktop
Aggregator gang
Dec 5, 2019
I wonder if Taisai could had used his heal with this defensive abilitiiesor nkot
Both are possible...
He could had now decided that yes this is an worthy fight and they just passed thr basic requirements to trully face him.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2021
They're like "well sh*t"

Feels like they're gonna really cooperate with each other next time xD

Even the priest and the suicidal soldier ain't happy about it.

Double-page supporter
Jun 30, 2020

They look like a heavy metal band
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2020
Anyone notice that the dark priest very readily to flee but unable to take a step, because he know the moment he do that he will be dead (again) XD
Active member
Mar 4, 2023
This was all the standard "bad shounen pacing" tropes.

1. "Here's a badass attack! And it looks like it was effective!"
2. Never mind. It was completely pointless.
3. "Here's another even more badass attack! And this time it definitely seemed to be effec-"
4. Never mind. It was completely pointless.
5. "Oh no! Things look hopeless! That was all they had!"
6. Never mind. Here's a convenient exposition dump.

It just makes it so that you can't take any moment in the fight seriously because the author goes all Lucy With The Football when it comes to the effectiveness of literally any attack.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
This was all the standard "bad shounen pacing" tropes.

1. "Here's a badass attack! And it looks like it was effective!"
2. Never mind. It was completely pointless.
3. "Here's another even more badass attack! And this time it definitely seemed to be effec-"
4. Never mind. It was completely pointless.
5. "Oh no! Things look hopeless! That was all they had!"
6. Never mind. Here's a convenient exposition dump.

It just makes it so that you can't take any moment in the fight seriously because the author goes all Lucy With The Football when it comes to the effectiveness of literally any attack.
i disagree, Tai sei just spend a few chapters being killed like a hundred times, it needed to show that even without the recovery eyes he can tank a hit just fine

last chapter it seemed like he didnt really have a chance against 7 graduates when he died to many times against 2, so spending the chapter showing that he is perfectly capable of tanking whatever they can throw, showing the Sinners curse and new powers, and making it clear that yes Tai Sai survived but the graduates werent really serious in their attack is important things to establish to keep the tension

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