Dark Gathering - Vol. 16 Ch. 63 - Recalling A Name

Double-page supporter
Mar 9, 2024
Dark Gathering really have great art.
Kinda sad thats its still on a monthly release even in japan
Yea true' but .... That art is maybe the consequence of being monthly
I mean, it's already in the chapter.
Going by wiki, Masakado is a provincial governor who, in his power struggle with his uncle, rebelled against Kyoto court. He was killed by a stray arrow to the forehead, beheaded and his decapitated head was brought to Kyoto. However, he didn't stop and flew back to Kanto, the head fell down at the place where you see his "grave" is in this chapter, IRL it was built to ease his soul.
It's said that Masakado is closely related to earthquakes as it happened several times when Japanese government wanted to demolish his grave for a new governmental building.

Okay so he flew after his head was cut off!!?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
This chapter gave me goosebumps. Crazy. I love the backstory of this ghost
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Jul 20, 2024
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018
An entire chapter devoted to Masakado being summoned as the "New Emperor", with artwork and tension befitting one of the Three Great Onryo (Vengeful Ghosts) of Japan. It definitely felt like I was seeing a Final Fantasy-Odin summon, but samurai. It just crushed the remains of Tai Sui like nothing.

I'm of two minds on whether this is a permanent boost or not. On one hand I like the idea that it's temporary, but then are we going to have to procure the requisite energy and go through the whole grand summoning sequence every time?

Either way, this chapter alone is going to put Yayoi on the radar of every spiritualist in the country, she's not going to an obscure homebrew amateur ghost-hunter.

Place your bets ladies and gentleme, what bullshit will this god pull out of nowhere to justify somehow surviving this.
Of course he survives, live capture is the whole point. The fact we have to be this thorough for a live capture is the insane thing.

I still have a difficult time imagining a Tai Sui who even barely listens to Yayoi though. Maybe she negotiates with the main body, and in addition to annulling Ai's curse it'll command his Bunrei to heed Yayoi as punishment for being humiliated like this?

@Kredim Thanks for another chapter! You're even faster than the Chinese scans this time!

For Page 25, 3rd panel, could this work too?
[A bundling of countless "fates" that should have been born/come about,] [but were lost as a result of your death...]
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